Found 346 articles starting with P: Page #12


The property of a language in which a sentence does not require an overt subject. Spanish is a pro-drop language: it is perfectly normal in Spanish to say No canto bien (Don't sing well) rather than Yo no canto bien (I don't sing well)....

probably - correct spelling

probably - adverb's section on the Parts of Speech discusses the demise of -ly adverbs. Click here for ...

probity - vocabulary

Virtue or integrity tested and confirmed; honesty; the trait of having strong moral principles. Once regarded as the model of probity, Mayor Bradley, now 71 years old, is under investig...

Problem Words - Definition, Overview, and Lists of Examples

The TroublemakersMany words in the English language set traps for even the most accomplished writer. Here, on, we’ve provided discussions of over 200 of these troublemakers. (Scroll down for an alphabetical list.)...

procedure - correct spelling

procedure - noun
Example: This medical procedure can save her life....

proceed - correct spelling

proceed - verb
Example: You must proceed with caution....

Proceed vs. Precede

Proceed” and “precede” are illustrating a great example of paronyms, words that have very similar spellings, varying through few letters only, but define completely different actions. The fact that they look and sound almost identically are tempting ...

proceed, precede

To proceed means “to go forward,” “to carry on,” or “to originate from a source.” The verb proceed is distinctly intransitive
. That is, you...

prodigious - vocabulary

Immense, extraordinary in size; wonderful, marvelous. America makes prodigious mistakes, America has colossal faults, but one thing cannot be denied: America is always on the ...

prodigy - vocabulary

A person, especially a child, with remarkable gifts or qualities; a marvelous example; a wonder. Today’s pressures on middle-class children to grow up fast begin in early childhood. Chief among them is ...

produce - correct spelling

produce - verb and noun
Example: This plan will produce the best results. verb

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profession - correct spelling

profession - noun
Example: The medical profession has improved healthcare for all....

professional - correct spelling

professional - adjective and noun
Example: Their professional approach with their clients ensured their success. ...

Professional Essay Writers Offer Their Top Grammar Tips

Carefully Proofread and Edit All Documents Even experienced writers make errors; therefore, proofreading and editing should be integral parts of their writing process. Professional authors understand that even their first draft us...

professor - correct spelling

professor - noun
Example: The professor urged his students to learn grammar....

proffer - vocabulary

To offer to another for acceptance.noun
The offer itself. During my employment of seven years or more in Washington after the war (1865–72) I regularly saved part of m...

profitable - correct spelling

profitable - adjective
Example: The company will be profitable early next year....

profligacy, profligate - vocabulary

Profligacy: the trait of spending lavishly or extravagantly; unrestrained indulgence in sensual pleasure.adjective

profuse - vocabulary

Plentiful, copious, abundant; giving or spending freely, often to excess, as in profuse praise. The little flower which at this season stars our woods and roadsides with its p...

progeny - vocabulary

Descendant, offspring, child; something originating or resulting from something else. Preschoolers sound much brighter and more knowledgeable than they really are, which is why so many parents and grand...

Prognosis vs. Diagnostic

In the realm of medicine, terminology plays an essential role in understanding the processes involved in patient care. Among the myriad of medical terms, 'prognosis' and 'diagnostic' are two key words often encountered, especially in discussions r...

Program vs. Programme

Program" and "programme" mean just the same. They are both usual words in English and they can replace one another in any context, as they are perfect synonyms.Given the fact that they are both correctly spelled and have the exact same meanin...

Programming vs. Coding

In the realm of computer science and software development, the terms programming and coding are often used interchangeably, yet they signify distinct aspects of the software creation process. Understanding the dif...

progressive tense

The progressive tense (also called the progressive aspect) is sometimes referred to as the imperfect tense.There are six progressive tenses: present, ...

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the past simple tense:
    A We had eaten when she arrived.
    B She finished her homework before dinner.
    C I will be finished my work soon.
    D They have been studying all day.

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