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Professional Essay Writers Offer Their Top Grammar Tips

Grammar is the foundation of effective communication in academic writing. Professional essay writers understand how even brilliant ideas can be compromised by poor grammar usage; whether you're a student, blogger, or someone writing regularly yourself - mastering grammar skills will enable your message to come across more clearly and successfully. Here are some top grammar tips from experienced essay writers that could elevate your writing!

4:01 min read
  Courtney Emerson  —  Grammar Tips
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Carefully Proofread and Edit All Documents

Even experienced writers make errors; therefore, proofreading and editing should be integral parts of their writing process. Professional authors understand that even their first draft usually isn't perfect and that careful revision must be performed to detect mistakes and refine their message.

When proofreading, look for grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and any inconsistencies in your writing. Reading your work aloud can help you catch mistakes that you might miss when reading silently. Additionally, consider using grammar-checking tools, but don't rely on them entirely; they can miss subtle errors that only a human eye can catch. For those seeking external help, it's wise to consult essay writing service reviews on platforms like These reviews can guide you in choosing reliable services that provide thorough and professional proofreading assistance, ensuring your writing is polished and accurate.

Explore Sentence Structure Fundamentals

One of the cornerstones of good grammar lies in understanding sentence structure. An ideal sentence will usually contain three elements - subject, verb, and object - such as this example: "The student writes an essay." Such simple structures form the cornerstones of effective communication.

Professional writers typically employ more complex structures to express complex ideas effectively. To do this effectively, it's crucial to avoid common pitfalls such as run-on sentences and sentence fragments. Run-on sentences occur when two or more independent clauses join without punctuation, making the sentence difficult to read; for example, "She submitted" would need to be changed into "And she submitted."

Sentence fragments are incomplete sentences without subjects and verbs; for example, "After finishing the essay" is an incomplete sentence since it doesn't provide information about what occurred after finishing. A fuller statement would be: "After finishing his/her essay, the student took a break."

Implement an Active Voice Approach for Clarity and Impact

Active voice occurs when the subject performs the action, rather than the passive voice, where the action occurs on another party. Professional writers tend to favor active voice since it makes their sentences clearer and more direct; for instance, "The researcher conducted the experiment" is much clearer and direct than "The experiment was conducted by the researcher" (passive voice).

Although passive voice is technically correct, its use may make sentences longer and more convoluted. Limit its usage whenever possible—particularly when emphasizing action rather than actors; for example, "The results were analyzed" rather than who conducted the task may be more suitable in certain instances.

Acquire Punctuation Skills for Precision

Punctuation marks are indispensable writing tools that help guide the reader and clarify meaning. Any misuse of punctuation could result in miscommunication or misinterpretation of your message.

Punctuation ensures your writing is accessible without losing its message in poorly constructed sentences.

Utilize Parallel Structure for Flow and Balance

Parallel structure involves employing identical grammar within sentences to achieve balance and rhythm, often used when listing items or writing a series of related elements. An example would be: "She enjoys reading, writing, and swimming." Using parallel structure creates balance and rhythm, whereas saying: "She enjoys reading to write swimming" does not.

Ensuring that all elements in a sentence are parallel can help clarify and enhance the readability of your writing.

Expand Your Vocabulary Wisely

While having an expansive vocabulary can add depth to your writing, it's key that the words used are understood by and relevant to your audience. Professional writers avoid using complex or obscure terms unnecessarily, as this could alienate readers or obscure your message.

Focus instead on clarity and precision by employing words that accurately express your meaning to an audience that understands them. This will enhance the readability of your work and ensure your ideas reach their intended target effectively.


Grammar is the cornerstone of effective writing, and mastery requires both hard work and dedication to ongoing improvement. By understanding sentence structure, employing active voice, mastering punctuation rules, and avoiding common errors, you can dramatically increase the clarity and impact of your writing.

No matter if it is an essay, report, or any other kind of document, these grammar tips from professional essay writers will assist in producing work that is not only grammatically correct but also engaging and persuasive to readers. By applying these principles, you can express yourself more efficiently and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

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