Found 346 articles starting with P: Page #13

prolific - vocabulary

Abundantly producing offspring or fruit, as in a prolific orange tree; very productive, producing in large quantities. Debt is the prolific mother of folly and of cri...

prolix - vocabulary

Verbose, wordy, extended to unnecessary and tedious length. In a succinct 354 pages (shockingly brief for the normally prolix [Susan] Faludi), she argues that in the months an...

prominent - correct spelling

prominent - adjective
Example: He was a prominent member of his community....

promise - correct spelling

promise - verb and noun
Example: The politician will promise anything to get elected. verb...

promulgate - vocabulary

To make known through public declaration; formally proclaim; publish. Note: In law, we say that Congress enacted a statute. But we say that a federal agency prom...


We have seven kinds of pronouns in the English language.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Personal pronouns (words like I, me, my, we, our, us...


English language is considered one of the easiest languages on Earth when compared to Chinese, French and Ar...

Pronoun as the Object of a Preposition

Object of a PrepositionA noun attached to a sentence by a preposition is the object of the preposition, which requires the objective case of a pronoun taking the place of the noun.Wrong: A Grammar...

pronounce - correct spelling

pronounce - verb
Example: They must learn to pronounce words properly....

Pronouns - Definition, Overview, and Lists of Examples

WelcomeBelow you’ll find links to our discussion on pronouns. We recommend that you start with the first topic,Pronouns...

Pronouns - Words Substituting for Words

In this section, we’ll learn about pronouns. We have seven kinds in the English language. They cause all kinds of problems, even to people in positions of power. After all, haven’t you heard someone say, “Evan and myself want to thank you for the won...

pronunciation - correct spelling

pronunciation - noun
Not pronounciation.Example: His lack of education was evident in his pronunciation of ...

propaganda - correct spelling

propaganda - noun
Example: The citizens were accustomed to governmental propaganda....

propagate - correct spelling

propagate - verb
Example: He sought to propagate a new hybrid tomato....

propeller - correct spelling

propeller - noun
Example: The plane’s propeller revved up before takeoff....

proper noun

A proper noun names a specific person, place, time period, work of literature or art, and so on. It begins with a capital letter. Examples include: New York City Friday Shakespeare's play Hamlet Fre...

prophecy - correct spelling

prophecy - noun
Example: The prophecy of the ancient seer came true....

prophet - correct spelling

prophet - noun
Example: Moses was the greatest prophet in the Old Testament.Example: She turned out to be a false ...

propitious - vocabulary

Presenting favorable conditions; favorably inclined, auspicious. The time is now propitious, as he guesses, The meal is ended, she is bored and tired, Endeavours to engage her...

prosaic - vocabulary

Unimaginative, dull, commonplace, matter-of-fact; vapid; humdrum; tiresome. It is better to have a prosaic husband and to take a romantic lover.—Stendhal (Mar...

proscribe - vocabulary

To denounce or condemn something as dangerous or harmful; to prohibit, forbid. The public is harmed when lawmakers proscribe the use of a product that has been proved safe and useful. I...

prospect - correct spelling

prospect - noun (often in the plural
) and verb
Example: The favorable business prospects...

prostrate - vocabulary

Lying prone, or with the head to the ground, as in a gesture of humility, adoration, or subservience; physically weak or exhausted; utterly depressed or disconsolate.verb

prostrate, prostate

As a verb, to prostrate means "to throw oneself on the floor or lie facedown."The word prostrate also serves as an adj...

Protasis and Apodosis

Each and every grammatical expression has different names for it. Some are more common while ...

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the past perfect continuous tense:
    A They had been practicing the piano for hours before the concert.
    B I have been completed my novel.
    C We ate lunch when she called.
    D She visited her friend last weekend.

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