Found 346 articles starting with P: Page #5

permitted - correct spelling

permitted - verb (past tense and past participle of the verb permit) and adjective
Example: She ...

pernicious - vocabulary

Causing serious ruin or harm; injurious; deadly. The machine has had a pernicious effect upon virtue, pity, and love, and young men used to machines which induce inertia, and ...

perpendicular - correct spelling

perpendicular - adjective and noun
Example: The lines are perpendicular to each other. adjectiv...

perquisite - vocabulary

A payment, advantage, benefit, or privilege received beyond regular income or salary; something claimed as an exclusive right.Note: The expression “perk” comes from perquisite. ...

perquisite, prerequisite

These words have entirely different meanings. A perquisite is a privilege or a benefit often given in addition to wages or salary. We often refer to the shortened version: perk.A ...

perseverance - correct spelling

perseverance - noun
Example: Her perseverance enabled her to succeed....

persevere - correct spelling

persevere - verb
Example: If you persevere, you will get the promotion....

persistence - correct spelling

persistence - noun
Not persistance.Example: The persistence of the salesman began to irritate us....

persistent - correct spelling

persistent - adjective
Not persistant.Example: The persistent salesman irritated the visitors....


The concept of person applies to pronouns and reflects a universal truth: There are only three types of people on earth. We have the speaker (first person), the listener (second person), and the person being gossiped a...

Person - Three People

Only Three People Exist on EarthAmber, Igor, and Miss Hamrick realized a long time ago that people mostly talk about only one thing—other people. That is, they gossip. They recognized, therefore, a universal truth:Whe...

personal - correct spelling

personal - adjective and noun
See personnel’s section on Problem Words discusses persona...

personal pronoun

We have seven kinds of pronouns in the English language (personal pronouns, reflexive and intensive pronouns, relative pronouns, ...

personality - correct spelling

personality - noun
Example: The politician’s jovial personality attracted a strong following....

Personification vs Anthropomorphism

Do you know the difference between Personification vs Anthropomorphism? Personification and anthropomorphism are two kinds of literary devices that are ...

personnel - correct spelling

personnel - noun
See personal’s section on Problem Words discusses personal and personnel. ...

personnel, personal

Personnel is an administrative group or a group of people involved in a particular business, group, or activity.Personal has a host of meanings: “relating to a specific person” (a ...

Perspective vs. Prospective

Perspective” and “prospective” constitute a great example of paronyms. The two words have very similar spellings, that are written and pronounced with a high degree of similitude, but which have different lexical meanings and grammatical functions, r...

perspicacious, perspicacity - vocabulary

Perspicacious: having a keen mental understanding or perception; shrewd; astute; discerning.noun
Perspicacity: keen menta...

perspiration - correct spelling

perspiration - noun
Example: His nervousness caused excessive perspiration....

persuade - correct spelling

persuade - verb
Example: She tried to persuade her daughter to study at night....

persuasion - correct spelling

persuasion - noun
Example: Writing with persuasion will help your career....

pertain - correct spelling

pertain - verb
Example: This statute does not pertain to our case....

perusal, peruse - vocabulary

Perusal: the act of reading carefully or thoughtfully; scrutiny; survey.verb
Peruse: to read thoroughly and carefully; to examine o...

petulant - vocabulary

Showing sudden or impatient irritation, especially over something trifling; irritable, peevish, fretful, petty. The faces of most American women over thirty are relief maps of petulant...

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    Choose the sentence with correct use of the imperative sentence:
    A Close the window before you leave.
    B He wants to close the window.
    C They are closing the window.
    D She is closing the window behind her.

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