Found 346 articles starting with P: Page #9

precedence, precedent, precedential - vocabulary

Precedence: the fact or act of preceding, as in The first patent application receives precedence in Europe; priority in place, time, or rank because of superiority, as in The company relied on its prec...

precedent, precedence

The meaning of the word precedent in law—a judicial decision that sets a rule—is very close to the common usage of the word: an “example” or “custom resulting from long practice.” A lawyer might find several prec...

preceding - correct spelling

preceding - adjective and verb (present participle of the verb precede)  Not preceeding.Example: He looked at the footnote ...

precise - correct spelling

precise - adjective
Example: The architect studied the precise measurements of the room....

preclude - vocabulary

To prevent the occurrence or existence of something; to exclude from something. Anyone who has breast-fed knows two things for sure: The baby wants to be fed at the most inopportune times, in the most i...

precocious - vocabulary

Unusually mature or advanced in development, especially in mental aptitude; usually in reference to children. What might be taken for a precocious genius is the genius of chil...

precursor - vocabulary

A person or thing that precedes; a person, animal, or thing indicating the approach of something or someone, a harbinger. In his very rejection of art Walt Whitman is an artist. He tried to produce a ce...


Every sentence or clause has a subject and a predicate. The subject is a noun, pronoun, or group of words acting as a noun, and the words ...


Do you know what a predicate is? It sounds somehow familiar but only a few of us really understand the meani...

predicate adjective

A predicate adjective is an adjective appearing in the predicate of a sentence or clause and modifying the grammatical subject of t...

predicate nominative

A predicate nominative is also called a subject complement or a predicate noun. The predicate nominative typically follows the verb to be
. Sometimes a predicate nom...

predicate noun

 See predicate nominative

predictable - correct spelling

predictable - adjective
Example: New polls show the predictable winners in the election....

predilection - vocabulary

A tendency or inclination to think favorably about something, a preference, as in a predilection for Mozart. The parrot holds its food for prim consumption as daintily as any debutante, [with] ...

predominant, predominate

As an adjective, predominant describes something with the greatest influence or authority.As a verb, predominat...

prefer - correct spelling

prefer - verb
Example: We can go to the opera, if you prefer....

preference - correct spelling

preference - noun
Example: My preference is Coke, not Pepsi....

preferential - correct spelling

preferential - adjective
Example: The boss’s daughter received preferential treatment....

preferred - correct spelling

preferred - verb (past tense and past participle of the verb prefer) and adjective
Not prefered.Example: She ...


English seems quite a simple language at first glance, but when you dig deep into it i.e. when you try to ex...

Prefix Words

IntroductionMany words start with prefixes; e.g., nonresident, antitrust, coparty, and a spate of others. As a writer, you must learn the rules of hyphenation. So let's start with this observation:...

Prefix Words - Exceptions to the Rule

Important ExceptionsThere are some exceptions to the basic rule that prefix words do not include the hyphen: Root word is capitalized. Root word is a date. Hyphenate to avoid ambiguity. ...

prejudice - correct spelling

prejudice - noun and verb
Example: In the 1960s, they fought the war against racial prejudice. noun...

premier, premiere

Premier is both a noun and an adjective associated with the highest status or rank.Premiere can be used as a noun ...

premise - vocabulary

A proposition on which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn. In law, premises refers to land and buildings on the land.verb
To assume or state as a propos...

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the past perfect tense:
    A She had already eaten when he arrived.
    B They are going to the concert tonight.
    C We will have completed the project by Monday.
    D She finished her homework before dinner.

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