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People vs. Peoples vs. Pupils

Person When we refer to a human being, we say a person. For example, a nice person, the last person to attend the conference and so on… When there are many human beings or individuals, we refer to them as persons. Example, ·   &nbs...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

Comparative and Superlative forms of Adjectives and Adverbs

The English language uses adjectives and adverbs in a sentence to describe the quality of a noun or a verb. In other words, some words that add meaning to the noun or verb of a sentence are called adjective and adverb respectively.The adjectives and ...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago


Did you just recently hear about appositives and now desperately want to know what they are and how they function? You came to the right page. Appositive is a relatively uncommon grammar term which many of us are unaware about. An appositive is a gra...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago


You would have come across the simple word article many times while reading and speaking English and would probably know what it means very well. But are you aware of the term article in English grammar? Yes, the word article has an entirely differen...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago


English seems a pretty simple language at one glance but when you go deeper into it you will realize that there are many terms and things in this language which you are not familiar with. Antecedent is one such term. It is an English grammar based wo...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Auxiliary Verb

Verbs are one of the first parts of speech a child learns about in high school. They are the main building blocks of a sentence and English grammar is incomplete about them. We all know that a verb is an action word that describes the action taking p...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Collective Noun

Noun is the main part of a sentence and one of the most important pillars of English grammar. Noun is the name of thing, place or person in a sentence. A noun can further be classified into proper noun, common noun, collective noun and many more.Toda...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Grammatical Case

The word case has a lot of meanings in English language like an occurrence of a specific situation, instance of a disease or injury, a legal action or a container. All of these meanings are very common and you would probably have heard about them at ...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Remember vs Reminder vs Remainder

Remember Remember is a verb which means to think of an occurrence in the past or to keep in mind something that has been told. Examples – ·         Always remember to switch off the lights before leaving th...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

Difference between Clause and Phrase

A sentence in English language can divided into various parts. Each part of a sentence serves its relative purpose and has some specific characteristics. While all of this seems simple, there is still a lot of confusion that arise between d...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Conditional Sentences

If you are paving your path to learn better English or trying to improve your grammar you must have come across the conditional sentences. You might get an idea of what a conditional sentence is by just looking at its name but there is more to it. In...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Adjective vs. Adverb

We all learned about the different parts of speech in high school and most of us can easily distinguish between a noun and a verb. But when it comes to an adjective and an adverb, it is a little hard for us to recall what the real difference between ...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Career vs. Carrier

Carrier Carrier is pronounced as “kae-ri-year.” The ‘kae’ sound is same as ‘ca’ sound in cat or the ‘ca’ sound in carrot. It is a noun that can refer to something or someone that carries or conveys object, information or persons. Thin...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

Very vs. Too vs. Enough

Too The too with the double o implies more than necessary, desirable or required. For example, ·         There is too much sugar in this tea. (more than I want or need) ·      &...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

I vs. Me

Consider the below example – I did this work. This work was done by me. Both sentences mean the same. The only difference is the voice. First one is active voice (focuses on subject ‘I’), second one is in passive voice (focuses on the work don...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

If I Was vs. If I Were

Was vs WereAs simple as that, in past tense, was is used for singular noun/pronoun and were for plural. For example, I was going to the market and we were going to the market.If I wasThis is a situation that could have happened. That’s because it h...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

So vs. Such

So So is a conjunction. It can join two sentences. ·         I like her, so, I want to date her. ·         I want to watch a movie, so I booked tickets for tonight’s ...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

Possessive pronouns vs. Possessive adjectives

Possessive The word possessive itself is an adjective, which means expressing possession or ownership of something. Possessive pronouns Based on the definition above, we use possessive pronouns to tell about something that one owns. For example – ...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

Adjectives and Adverbs

Simply put, Adjectives describe nouns. Remember this. Always. What does it mean to say ‘describe’? Let us take an example – “My brother is a good student.” There are different parts of speech in this sentence, the adjective here is ‘goo...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

Envoy vs. Convoy

Both convoy and envoy are nouns. Convoy can be used as a verb too, as we will see later in the article.  Envoy Envoy is derived from the old French word ‘en voie’ meaning ‘on the way’. It refers to a person who is a representative of a c...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

The uses of ‘used to’

Used to Used+to – the combination usually lets the speaker tell about a habit. It could be in the past, present or future. When used in the past tense, it generally refers to habits that are now discontinued. For example – ·   &nb...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

Tips for Teaching Grammar to ESL Students

10 Great Tips for ESL Students Needless to say, for ESL students it can be difficult to learn all the grammar rules to write correctly. In this short article, we are going to provide you with some hints from famous tutors to improve your grammar sk...

added by acronimous
5 years ago

Beside vs. Besides

Beside Beside is a preposition of place. It means ‘next to’. The word has originated from the old English adverb ‘be sidan’ meaning by the side. Examples – ·    My house is beside Tom’s house. ·    We had a...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

Raise vs. Rise

Raise Raise needs an object for reference. This means it is a transitive verb. One can raise funds, raise children, raise voice etc... where funds, children and voice are all objects without which raise will not make any sense. Examples – · &...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

Employ vs. Deploy

Employ Employ is a verb that comes from the middle English imploy and means to give work to someone and pay for it. For example, a company employs people based on their skills. Some common synonyms of employ are hire, recruit, appoint. Examples – ...

added by ramyashankar
5 years ago

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    Are you a grammar master?

    Choose the sentence with correct use of the future continuous tense:
    A I will meet you at the cafe.
    B We will going to the beach tomorrow.
    C They will be studying for the exam all night.
    D He will ate dinner before the movie.