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Finite Verb

Among many different forms of verbs, finite verbs is one of the less known. You may or may not be aware of it but it is a very integral part of the English grammar.Today I will discuss finite verb in detail.Finite Verb:A verb that demonstrates or sho...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Grammatical Head

There’s a head on top of your body and then there is a head of a language and its grammar. Today I will discuss about grammatical head of English language.Head:As head is the most important part of the whole body, likewise, grammatical head is the ...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Genitive Case

Among many other cases in English grammar, there exists genitive case. It is a case which is related to the possession of things.I will talk about genitive case in detail.Genitive Case:When a noun or any other element of English grammar is to show it...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

The Most Difficult Words to Spell in English

And, then come those complex words that don’t even enter our tongue, leave alone learning or using them. But why are those words there? • For most English language exams, knowledge of these words can help you score easily • Spell Bee often has...

added by acronimous
5 years ago

Demonstrative Sentence

Among many types of sentences one type is demonstrative sentences. The name may not be very clear as to the meaning and usage of declarative sentence sin English language as demonstrative means to demonstrate or represent.I will discuss in detail wha...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago


Each word in English language has a specific name depending on the position it holds in a sentence. Today we will discuss about on such position dependent word that is called the determiner.Determiner:A determiner is a word that introduces a noun or ...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Declarative Sentence

English has a lot of different variations in it which are not known to everyone. Some basic English learners are not aware of so many different types of sentences and clauses that are found in the language.Today I will be discussing one type of sente...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Dative Case

English is an old language and there are some terms that were used in the Old English which are not so common nowadays. One such element of Old English is dative case which was very common in old inflected languages.Dative Case:Dative is the noun or ...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Double Object

An object is the part of a sentence that. It is related to the subject and verb of the sentence and represents the noun on which the action is taking place by the subject.Today I will discuss about the less known part of a sentence that is the double...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Elliptical Sentence

In English language a lot of complex words and forms exist which are not so commonly known by native English speakers as well. Only learners of English whose keen mission is to understand the grammatical aspects of language are aware of such things.O...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago


In English language, a noun may be masculine, feminine or neuter form. Today I will discuss about the feminine form of the noun and what it means.Feminine Noun:A noun is known as feminine if it represents or talk about the person or thing that is fem...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

The role of grammar in learning foreign languages

Recently, the question has been raised more and more often about the role and importance of grammar directly in the process of teaching foreign languages. As you know, in the history of teaching foreign languages ​​the question of the role of gra...

added by esthercrowder
5 years ago

How Many Words Does an Average Person Know?

According to thelinguist.com, a research done on vocabulary size and auditory syllable recognition among children in pre-school aged 2-5 years using “the visual world paradigm with semantic and phonological competitors to study lexical process...

added by acronimous
5 years ago

Thanks in Advance or Thanks in Advanced

Apparently English is a very simple language but when it comes to technicalities, every language has some. There are some very confusing terms or phrases in English which are to be written or spoken exactly like they are and any mistake in them can l...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Copular Verb

A verb is a word in a sentence that is performing the action in the sentence.Example:He likes tea.In the above example, likes is the verb as it is referring to the action taking place which is like or liking of tea.A verb has various forms and today ...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Protasis and Apodosis

Each and every grammatical expression has different names for it. Some are more common while others are not so commonly spoken or known about. Protasis and apodosis is also an example of two such words. If you are a grammar geek then you would probab...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago


In English grammar two words can be in apposition with each other. Did you get it? If not, keep reading because in this article I will be discussing about the term apposition and its grammatical meaning.Apposition:When two or more words in a single s...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Cataphoric Reference

Cataphorism is a grammatical expression that refers to a word or a phrase that links to another word or phrase which was used after in the same textExample:If you call him, tell Sam to come as soon as possible.In the above example, him is t...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Causative Verb

Causative verb is a grammatical expression that represents a verb that is causing something to happen in a sentence.Example:He spilled the tea.In the above example, spilled is the verb and is further classified as causative verb as it is causing the ...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Cognate Object

An object is a part of a sentence that represents the noun on which the action is taking place.Example:Sara don’t like Adam at all.In the above example, Adam is the object as the action is taking place on him.Cognate Object:An object that is etymol...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Concrete Noun vs. Abstract Noun

A noun can be divided into two categories:1.      Concrete Noun2.      Abstract NounConcrete Noun:A noun is termed as concrete noun if it can be identified by five senses of human beings i.e...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Anticipatory Words

In English grammar, various expressions have somewhat different meaning then their exact dictionary meanings and they are to be used as such. The right usage of each and every part of grammar is very necessary for the right sentence formation.Anticip...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Agent Noun

While the topic might give you the impression that the article is about some grammatical crime scene, it is not the case. We usually associate agent with some mafia or CIA that has super abilities of detecting and combating evil. An agent noun is som...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Absolute Phrase

You must have heard about phrases. Phrases are a group of words that join together to make a clause. There are various types of phrases or various categories in which phrases can be divided. One such category is absolute phrase and today we will disc...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

Anaphoric Reference

The word anaphora is an English word that means the repetition of something. When used in English grammar, anaphora refers to a word or a phrase that links to another word or phrase which was used before in the same text.Example:Gilly is a great pers...

added by angbeenc
5 years ago

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    Are you a grammar master?

    Identify the sentence with correct use of the passive voice:
    A He will finish the project by tomorrow.
    B The cake was baked by my sister.
    C We are watching a movie tonight.
    D The teacher gave us a challenging assignment.