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Base vs. Baseball

Introduction English is a language renowned for its intricate vocabulary, occasionally causing confusion due to words that sound similar but have distinct meanings. 'Base' and 'baseball' are two such words that are occasionally interchanged in conver...

added by courtneye
4 years ago

Bare vs. Bear

The English language is full of homophones, words that sound the same but have different meanings. "Bare" and "bear" are two such words that are often confused due to their similar pronunciation, but they have distinct meanings and usage. Bare "Bare...

added by courtneye
4 years ago

Ball vs. Bawl

The English language is rich and diverse, with many words that sound similar but have completely different meanings. "Ball" and "bawl" are two such words that are often confused due to their similar pronunciation, yet they carry distinct definitions ...

added by courtneye
4 years ago

Baking Powder vs. Baking Soda

A white powder used in baking to make dough or batter rise.A white powder used to make dough rise or to make an upset stomach....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Baggy vs. Bagpipes

Hanging in loose folds, as in baggy shorts.A musical instrument....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Bagel vs. Doughnut

Origins and Cultural Significance: Bagels, with their origins tracing back to Jewish communities in Eastern Europe, hold a deep cultural significance. They symbolize tradition, Jewish identity, and are often associated with New York City's bustling ...

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Bag vs. Baggage

A usually flexible container for carrying things.Travelers’ suitcases, bags, and trunks....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Badge vs. Badger

A small sign with a picture, name, or message on it that you pin to your clothes.A mammal with a gray body and a black and white head that lives in a burrow and comes out at night to eat.To keep asking someone to do something....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Choose vs. Chose

Chose" is the past tense of "choose". These two words can be used differently in sentences to express certain meanings.Beginning with "choose", a verb that can be expressed in both transitive and intransitive forms.Transitive form: The word "choose" ...

added by Soulwriter
4 years ago

Train Your Mind: 10 Indispensable Tools for College Students

Many students rush to buy vitamins, energy boosters, and other things promising the improvement of their cognitive abilities. And some supplements can do the trick but only on a molecular level. And we all rather need a boost for our brain to turn on...

added by acronimous
4 years ago

Color vs. Colour — And Who is Noah Webster?

The word color is used by people in the United States whereas the word colour is used everywhere else in the English-speaking world. So why is there a difference in the spelling of these words? In this article, I will explain why these word...

added by Teril
4 years ago

Art vs. Artist

The skill of creating something brautiful by drawing, painting, or making things with your hands.Something that requires a lot of skill, as in the art of Chinese cooking.Forms of entertainment, such as music, theater, and film.Someone very skilled at...

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Arrival va. Arrive

The act of getting to a place.Someone or something that has gotten to a place.To reach a place.To come....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Applicant vs. Application

An applicant is a person who applies for a job or position at a company or organization. This person has expressed interest in the position and has taken steps to apply, such as submitting a resume and cover letter or completing an online applicatio...

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Ant vs. Aunt

An ant is a small insect that is known for its hardworking nature and living in colonies. Ants are known to be strong and industrious, often working together in large groups to achieve a common goal. For example, you might say, "I saw an ant carrying...

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Another vs. Other

One more of the same kind of thing.A different one.Different; not the same as mentioned.Remaining.More or extra.In the recent past.The rest....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Angel vs. Angle

The English language is full of words that may sound alike but have entirely different meanings. Two such words are "angel" and "angle", which, despite their similar pronunciation, represent distinct concepts. Let's delve into the meanings and usage ...

added by courtneye
4 years ago

Alphabet vs. Letter

All the letters of a language arranged in order.A mark that is part of an alphabet.A message that you write to someone or that someone writes to you....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Algebra vs. Mathematics

A type of mathematics in which symbols and letters are used to represent unknown numbers; for example, 2 * x + y = 7.The study of numbers, quantities, shapes, and measurements and how they relate to each other....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Agree vs. Disagree

To say yes to something.To share the same opinions.If something agrees with you, it suits you, or is good for you.If you disagree with someone, you have different opinions.To cause discomfort....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Adverb vs. Verb

A word usually used to describe a verb or adjective.A word that expresses an action or a state of being....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Advance vs. Advanced

To move forward or to make progress.Happening before something else, as in advance warning.To lend money.A movement forward made by a group of soldiers.If something has reached an advanced stage, it's nearly finished or fully developed.Advanced work ...

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Across vs. Cross

Definition and Spatial Connotations: "Across" is a preposition and adverb commonly used to describe movement from one side to another, usually indicating a traversing action over a barrier, obstacle, or distance. It conveys the idea of moving in a h...

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Account vs. Accountant

A description of something that has happened, as in an account of the accident.An arrangement to keep money in a bank, as in a checking or savings account.Records of money earned and spent.If you account for something, you explain it.An expert in mon...

added by annie_l
4 years ago

Accept vs. Except

To take something that you are offered.To agree to something.Apart from.But for the fact that....

added by annie_l
4 years ago

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    Are you a grammar master?

    Identify the sentence with correct use of the future perfect tense:
    A They have finished their dinner before the movie starts.
    B He is working on the assignment now.
    C She had completed the task yesterday.
    D By tomorrow, she will have completed her project.