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Moral vs. Morale

Do “moral” and “morale” refer to different concepts originating in the same noun? Are there any differences in their meanings that are causing the different spellings of these words? Or is it about British/American spelling preferences? Let...

added by malza
7 years ago

Moot vs. Mute

Inexperienced English users can easily get tricked by “moot” and “mute”, maybe even tempted to pronounce them the same. But even though they sound similarly, they are spelled quite differently and surely define completely distinct concepts.Ch...

added by malza
7 years ago

Movable or Moveable

Some adjectives can be really tricky due to their derivation rules. And especially if there are more versions, as in the case of “movable” and “moveable”, or “lovable” and “loveable”, you can get really confused.So are they correct or...

added by malza
7 years ago

Mucus vs. Mucous

Have you ever been confused by the two different spellings of "mucus" and "mucous"? Well, they seem to refer to the same thing, so why the one-letter distinction? Is it a classical situation of two accepted spellings for the same word, is there an ol...

added by malza
7 years ago

Monologue vs. Soliloquy

There is a common confusion in English that people make between “monologue” and “soliloquy”. Some have the tendency to use one instead of the other, regardless of that fact that they actually don’t mean exactly the same things.Mainly, yes, ...

added by malza
7 years ago

Modelling vs. Modeling

Modelling vs. ModelingAs a verb, "model" refers to the job of a professional model, which is defined as wearing certain clothes for various shows, magazines or presentations. Nothing confusing until now. But at a closer look, you can easily spot that...

added by malza
7 years ago

Maybe vs. May be

English language has a lot of compound words that refer to two completely different words being joined together to give a meaning that is usually different or same from the original meaning of the two words. These words include; goodbye, passport, po...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Monies vs. Moneys

Monies vs. Moneys: Navigating Variations in Plural Forms Understanding the differences between "monies" and "moneys" involves recognizing variations in plural forms. This article aims to clarify the distinctions between "monies" and "moneys," sheddin...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Mischievious vs. Mischievous

Have you recently seen the word you knew as "mischievous" also spelled "mischievious" and are you not sure anymore about which one is correct? Well, there are plenty of words in English that differ only by one letter and which have both forms accepte...

added by malza
7 years ago

Mold vs. Mould

British and American English have different rules when it comes to spelling the words. Americans omit the U that appears in some British words as a second vowel directly before a consonant. Therefore, mold ormould are a same word with same meaning an...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Mistrust vs. Distrust

Mistrust vs. Distrust: Navigating Variations in Skepticism Understanding the differences between "mistrust" and "distrust" involves recognizing variations in the degree and nature of skepticism. This article aims to clarify the distinctions between "...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Grammar Mistakes Leading to Plagiarism Issues in English Writing

When learning English, you have to deal with essays, reviews, research, and other types of papers. Assigning them, your tutors won't estimate mere grammar and vocabulary but also check if you didn't copy those papers from others. Plagiarism is a core...

added by acronimous
7 years ago

May vs. Might

May vs. Might: Navigating Modal Verbs Understanding the differences between "may" and "might" involves recognizing variations in the usage of modal verbs. This article aims to clarify the distinctions between "may" and "might," shedding light on thei...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Can vs. May

Can vs. May: Navigating Permission and Possibility Understanding the differences between "can" and "may" involves navigating nuances in expressing permission and possibility. This article aims to clarify the distinctions between "can" and "may," shed...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Math vs. Maths

If you ever got into contact with the word "mathematics", you have certainly also seen at least one of the nouns from the pair "math" and "maths". But which one is correct? How do you spell it shortly, "math" or "maths"? Let's take a quick look upon ...

added by malza
7 years ago

Material vs. Materiel

Material" is not synonym with "materiel". Yes, they are spelled similarly and yes, they can both be used as nouns, but their meanings are definitely not identical. Make sure you never say the "materiel" of your dress is silk or cotton, because the tw...

added by malza
7 years ago

Master vs. Mister

Master and mister are two different words that can often be confusing due to their similar looking spellings and multiple meanings of each word. However, the one similarity between them is that in English language, they are both titles used to refer ...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Many vs. Much

Many” and “much” are often considered synonyms by English users, but even though they have similar meanings and refer to the same concepts, they can’t actually be considered synonyms. They are used in different contexts, according to the type...

added by malza
7 years ago

Mantel vs. Mantle

Mantel” and “mantle” are often confused in English due to their spellings, which are obviously very similar. Either the way they are pronounced, or the way many autocorrect programs work, are often creating grammatical errors by replacing one w...

added by malza
7 years ago

Frequently Asked Questions

A lot or Alot? A or An? Accept or Except? Acronyms and Initialisms? Active or Passive Verbs? Affect or Effect? All Ready or Already? Allusion or Illusion? Among or Amongst? Among or Between? Amount or Number? And or But to begin a sentence? Annota...

added by anonymous
7 years ago

Why The English Language Is So Hard To Learn

The bandage was wound around the wound.The farm was used to produce produce.The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.We must polish the Polish furniture.He could lead if he would get the lead out.The soldier decided to desert his desser...

added by acronimous
7 years ago

Log In vs. Login

Having access to all types of platforms today on the internet, you have probably seen the words "login" and "log in" so many times before typing your username and password that you can't even count which version you have seen more often. But it can b...

added by malza
7 years ago

Macro vs. Micro

English language can be altered in various ways and one of those ways is prefixing. Prefixing refers to different units relating to several sizes. Micro and macro are both very similar words where the only difference in the two words is the relative ...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Maize vs. Maze

Maize” and “maze” are two quite controversial words, which we are going to discuss and detail a lot in the following article. If you only need a quick solution and resume of how to correctly use “maize” and “maze”, what each means and h...

added by malza
7 years ago

Make Do vs. Make Due

When things don’t go the way we want them to, what do you do in such situations? You make do the best out of it. In medieval English language, the phrase make do had a substitute and that was the phrase of make due. However, in today’s current la...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the comparative adverbs:
    A They reached the destination sooner than us.
    B She speaks English more fluently than him.
    C He finished the race more quicker than the other athletes.
    D She sings more beautifully than anyone in the choir.