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Knew vs. New

It's important that you never confuse "knew" and "new" because first of all they function as different parts of speech and secondly, of course, they carry completely different significations. Though it's understandable why people are so often tempted...

added by malza
7 years ago

4 Hard Issues in the English Language for Non-Native Speakers

Did you know that the letter “e” is the most frequently used symbol in English? Orthat the majority of the English words start with the letter “s”? And oh, here is agood one: the most commonly used words in English are “you” and “I”.I...

added by acronimous
7 years ago

Dive Deeper into the English Language with These Tips

Admit it – when someone tells you that he/she’s learning English, and it’s verydifficult, chances are that you don’t help or comfort them by giving some tips,sharing your personal hacks or doing anything that can make the studying processfor ...

added by acronimous
7 years ago

Expresso vs. Espresso

All coffee lovers and, in fact, most people that have entered a coffee shop, a bar or a restaurant, know what an espresso is. But what is an "expresso"? Some might get confused by this word, knowing that it doesn't appear in any menu, dictionary, pub...

added by malza
7 years ago

Eulogy vs. Elegy

Eulogy vs. Elegy: Navigating Expressions of Remembrance When it comes to expressing words of remembrance or honoring the deceased, the terms "eulogy" and "elegy" are often used. However, they serve distinct purposes and convey different forms of comm...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Inter vs. Intra

Prefixes and suffixes are a great component of grammar that allows new words to be created, in order to express certain messages more accurately. But some of them are really similar and it is sometimes hard to identify which one to use depending on t...

added by malza
7 years ago

Valuable vs. Invaluable

At a first sight, “valuable” and “invaluable” seem to be pretty clear regarding their meanings. But in fact, they are some of the most commonly misunderstood words. People tend to use them with the wrong meaning, quite often, due to the confu...

added by malza
7 years ago

Jewelry vs. Jewellery

At a first sight, one of these seems to be wrong. It's either "jewelry" or "jewellery", but one of them is certainly a mistake, right? Well, no. But let's take a closer look and understand why both forms are accepted and when you should choose the ri...

added by malza
7 years ago

Judgement vs. Judgment

Judgement vs. Judgment: Navigating Spelling Variations Understanding the differences between "judgement" and "judgment" involves navigating variations in spelling. This article aims to clarify the distinctions between "judgement" and "judgment," shed...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Kneeled vs. Knelt

If you doubt the correct form of the past tense of the verb “to kneel”, that’s a normal confusion that English users commonly experience when they see both “kneeled” and “knelt” written in several publications or articles. Is it a commo...

added by malza
7 years ago

Enclosed vs. Inclosed

What "enclosed" means probably anybody knows. If not, we'll explain it immediately below. There's nothing difficult about it. What is, anyway, questionable and often confusing, is the correct spelling of this word. If you check literature and publica...

added by malza
7 years ago

Indices vs. Indexes

Indices vs. Indexes"Indices" is frequently used wrongly in various phrases, presentations and speeches, because it is often confused for "indexes". Some think these words refer to the same thing and therefore replace them even when it's not appropria...

added by malza
7 years ago

Indorsement vs. Endorsement

You are probably used to spelling the word "endorsement" just like this, starting with "e". So it is natural that you are confused when you see it spelled "indorsement" on certain documents or in online publications.So is it wrong or not? There are a...

added by malza
7 years ago

Inequality vs. Inequity

With “inequality” and “inequity”, it is less likely that the confusion appears because of their spellings. Even though they look quite similar, the frequent confusions that appear with this pair of words are not sourced in the spelling simila...

added by malza
7 years ago

Inflict vs. Afflict

Inflict” and “afflict” illustrates one of the most frequent linguistic confusions amongst English users. Not only do they have almost identical spellings, but their lexical significations also have a high level of similitude. If you’re not su...

added by malza
7 years ago

Inquiry vs. Enquiry

Inquiry vs. EnquiryWords spelled similarly are quite common in the English vocabulary. But those that are different only through their first letter are less frequent and even more confusing. They almost sound the same, their spellings are almost iden...

added by malza
7 years ago

Install vs. Instill

The spellings of “install” and “instill” are so similar, distinct due to one letter only, that mistaking them can actually be not mandatory, but simply a typing error that you didn’t even observe. They sound quite differently, so confusing ...

added by malza
7 years ago

Incidents vs. Incidence

Another pair of words written and pronounced very similarly is represented by "incidents" and "incidence". But, as in most of the cases, it is also wrong to replace one with the other because their meanings are completely distinct.The best solution t...

added by malza
7 years ago

In Route vs. En Route

The words we will be discussing today are taken from the French Language and when words are taken from other languages, the spellings are often mixed by the bilinguals, making it confusing for others. So, which is right? En-route or in-route?With the...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Imply vs. Infer

Imply vs. Infer: Navigating Communicative Dynamics Understanding the differences between "imply" and "infer" involves recognizing variations in communicative roles and responsibilities. This article aims to clarify the distinctions between "imply" an...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Eminent vs. Imminent

Probably seeing them in their written form, “eminent” and “imminent” aren’t very confusing; but once you hear them in conversations, you’ll realize that these words are more similar than you expected. Sounding almost identical, “eminent...

added by malza
7 years ago

Immigrate vs. Emigrate

“Immigrate” and “emigrate” are two words that have similar meanings and can be easily confused. The differences between the two are subtle but important, especially if you want to keep your writing from looking sloppy. So, in this post we’l...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Imbed vs. Embed

Is there any difference between "imbed" and "embed"? Do these word even exist as verbs? Is "imbed" a common misspelling nowadays? We'll answer all these questions quickly and simply in this article.Imbed vs. Embed"Imbed" and "embed" are equally corre...

added by malza
7 years ago

Imaginative vs. Imaginary

Imaginative” and “imaginary” are two words that look and sound very familiar – and this is the main reason why they are often confused and used with the wrong meaning. Some people think that they are only spelled differently and their meaning...

added by malza
7 years ago

Elicit vs. Illicit

Elicit” and “illicit” are different spellings for the same concept? They seem to be, according to how similarly they are pronounced, and to the fact that somehow, they both refer to something related to information, in various contexts. Seems f...

added by malza
7 years ago

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    Select the sentence with correct punctuation:
    A Sarahs car is parked outside.
    B The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
    C The cat sat on the mat.
    D I can't believe it's already Friday.