Found 177 articles starting with I: Page #7

intrepid - vocabulary

Fearless, courageous, and bold. Unchecked, the tourist will climb over the fence and come right into your house to take pictures of you in your habitat. Cities mindful of tourists have built e...

intrinsic - vocabulary

Belonging to a thing by its nature, inherent, as in the intrinsic value of gold. And yet, beyond that, she hardly knew what he had—save of course his intrinsic qualit...

introduce - correct spelling

introduce - verb
Example: He will introduce his sister at the party....

Introducing a List

A ListUse the colon to introduce a list or a series: The committee's study focused on the most critical areas: development of software, needed ...

Introducing Quotations with the “Like” Word

I'm like ...Usually, people use tobelike to introduce quoted sources. In that form, it doesn’t harm the language too much or totally prevent thought from taking place. We can hear entire conversations, peppered with ...

Introducing Statements or Quotations

Introduce Formal StatementUse the colon to introduce a formal statement, an extract from a passage, or a speech in a dialogue: Remember the rule: A colon may be used to introduce a statement....

Introductory Adjectival Phrases

Here’s Rule 11 in Strunk & White A participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence must refer to the grammatical subject. Strunk & White, p. 13. But many people seem to ha...

invective - vocabulary

An utterance intended to cast censure or reproach; vehement denunciation; an insulting word or utterance. The art of invective resembles the art of boxing. Very few fights are won with ...

inveigh - vocabulary

To utter vehement censure or invective, to protest strongly (often followed by against). Senate Democrats who oppose President Bush's Iraq policy spoke today against Condoleezza Rice's nominati...

invidious - vocabulary

Calculated to cause ill will or resentment; hateful, as in invidious remarks; offensively or unfairly injurious, as in invidious discrimination; tending to cause animosity. T...

invitation - correct spelling

invitation - noun
Example: The wedding invitation contained a typographical error....

irascible - correct spelling

irascible - adjective
Example: The irascible old man shouted at the children in the street....

Irony vs Sarcasm

Irony and Sarcasm are both language devices that are used to shape meaning.Meaning can be expressed in complex ways. We are able to create double meanings; we can say things that we don’t mean, while our meaning ...


Usage panels—and other smart people—consider the use of irregardless as a huge blunder. It simply isn’t a word. Someone couldn’t figure out how to use irrespective or regardless ...

irregular verb

Verbs have four principal parts: (1) the infinitive, (2) the past, (3) the past participle, and (4) the present participle
. A ...

Irregular Verbs

In the English language, we have fewer than 200 irregular verbs. (A fairly complete list appears in Garner Oxford, pp. 195-97.) Below are some causing the most trouble. Remember, use the past tense for statements showing that something happe...

irrelevant - correct spelling

irrelevant - adjective
Example: The attorney objected to the irrelevant evidence....

irresistible - correct spelling

irresistible - adjective
Not irresistable.Example: The chocolate dessert was irresistible....

irritable - correct spelling

irritable - adjective
Example: The irritable store owner drove away her customers....

Is "thanks a lot" sarcastic?

When used sincerely, "thanks a lot" is a common way to express gratitude or appreciation. For example, if someone helps you with a task or does something kind for you, you might say "thanks a lot" to show your appreciation. ...

Is "From the River to the Sea" Antisemitic?

To fully understand the implications of this phrase and the significance of the resolution, it is essential to delve into the historical context, the arguments supporting the resolution, and the perspectives opposing it. The U.S. House R...

island - correct spelling

island - noun
Example: The plane crashed on an island in the Pacific....

isle - correct spelling

isle - noun
Example: The idyllic isle had beautiful palms on the beach....

its - correct spelling

its - possessive pronoun
Not it's
.Note: The word its is the possessive form of the pronoun it. Do not confus...

its, it’s

Note: The differences between its and it’s are discussed in depth in the Common Grammatical Mistakes Section of ...

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    Are you a grammar master?

    Choose the sentence with correct use of the past perfect tense:
    A He had did his best, but it wasn't enough.
    B They had already finished their homework when the phone rang.
    C She had went to the store before dinner.
    D We had saw that movie three times.

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