Found 177 articles starting with I: Page #2

Immigrate vs. Emigrate

“Immigrate” and “emigrate” are two words that have similar meanings and can be easily confused. The differen...

immigrate, emigrate

To immigrate means “to enter a country with the intention of becoming a citizen.” To emigrate means “to leave a country with the intention of settling elsewhere.”A trick you...

immutable - vocabulary

Unchangeable; not subject or susceptible to change. Despite the promised "new direction for America," getting the money out of politics and all of that, some facts of Washington life appear ...

impact, affect

Here’s another one of those fancy words many people misuse. Traditionally, the word impact served as a noun, but recently it has transformed into a trendy verb...

impalpable - vocabulary

Incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch; intangible; difficult for the mind to grasp easily or readily, as in impalpable distinctions. This name [Virginia Woolf] springs to...

impecunious - vocabulary

Having little or no money; penniless; poor. He was an eccentric, disheveled, toothless and impecunious lifelong bachelor, an amateur poet and musician and an autodidact able t...

imperative mood

The mood of verbs shows how the speaker regards the utterance. The speaker might regard the utterance as a statement: that's the indicative mood. The speaker might ask a question: that's the interrogative mood. The speaker might iss...

imperative mood

The mood of verbs shows how the speaker regards the utterance. The speaker might regard the utterance as a statement: that's the indicative mood. The speaker might ask a question: that's the interrogative mood. The speaker might iss...

Imperative mood

Mood Mood indicates the expression of a sentence – for example whether it a question, ...

Imperative Mood

English is a pervasive language. There are different ways and means to convey what you are thinking to the o...

imperfect tense, progressive tense

The progressive tense (also called the progressive aspect) is sometimes referred to as the imperfect tense.There are six progressive tenses: present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect. Some gram...

Impersonal Verbs

There are numerous forms of verbs and today I have decided to talk about impersonal verbs. The literal meani...

impervious - vocabulary

Impenetrable, as in impervious to rain; incapable of being injured or impaired, as in impervious to wear and tear; incapable of being persuaded, influenced, or affected, as in impervious...

implement - correct spelling

implement - verb and noun
Example: Congress failed to implement the new program to improve the schools. v...

implicate, implicit - vocabulary

Implicate: to show to be also involved, usually in an incriminating manner, as in He was implicated in the crime; to imply as a necessary circumstance, or as something to be inferred ...

Imply vs. Infer

Imply vs. Infer: Navigating Communicative Dynamics Understanding the differences between "imply" and "infer" involves recognizing variations in communicative roles and responsibilities. This article aims to clarify the distinctions betwee...

imply, infer

Both of these words have to do with the communication of ideas through an indirect but logical process. The difference lies in who is making (or attempting to make) the logical connection.A writer or speaker implies.  ...

importune - vocabulary

To beset with solicitations, to demand with urgency; to beg for something urgently. When Benedict comes to the United States, he is likely to be importuned by conservative Catholics to ...

imposter vs. impostor

The spellings imposter and impostor are both widely used, and both are acceptable, but some authorities prefer impostor. Etymology To grasp the disparities between "imposter" and "impostor," it is essential to unders...

Improve Your Writing & Credibility as a Writer with Proper Grammar

Since we all age and forget the basic grammar rules we learn in grade school, I have provided a short guide on grammar for your review. Also, test yourself when you are giving birth to a masterpiece with a writing question checklist. Plus, ...

improvident - vocabulary

Lacking foresight; incautious; neglecting to provide for future needs. In the House of Representatives late this afternoon a sensational appeal was made by Representative John J. Fitzgerald of...

impugn - vocabulary

To challenge as false, cast doubt upon. “This was a great N.Y.P.D. officer who dedicated himself—put his life in harm’s way hundreds of times during his career—and you can use your own definition,” Mr. ...

impute - vocabulary

To ascribe or attribute, as in She imputed special powers to the new software program. Kings are much to be pitied, who, misled by weak ministers, and deceived by wicked favour...

in receipt of

Here’s another of those expressions favored by writers of letters. Careful writers avoid it altogether and use have received.See ...

In Route vs. En Route

The words we will be discussing today are taken from the French Language and when words are taken from other languages, the spellings are often mixed by the bilinguals, making it confusing for others. So, which is right? En-route or in-route?...

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    Choose the sentence with correct use of the future continuous tense:
    A They will be studying for the exam all night.
    B We will going to the beach tomorrow.
    C I will meet you at the cafe.
    D He will ate dinner before the movie.

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