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argue - correct spelling

argue verbExample: It’s best not to argue with your superior....

added by edgood
8 years ago

arguing - correct spelling

arguing verb (present participle of the verb argue)Example: The teenager was arguing with his parents....

added by edgood
8 years ago

argument - correct spelling

argument nounNot arguement.Example: The attorney’s argument persuaded the court....

added by edgood
8 years ago

arouse - correct spelling

arouse verbExample: This behavior will arouse suspicion....

added by edgood
8 years ago

arrange - correct spelling

arrange verbExample: The florist will arrange the flowers....

added by edgood
8 years ago

arrangement - correct spelling

arrangement nounExample: The couple had an arrangement that seemed to work....

added by edgood
8 years ago

article - correct spelling

article nounExample: She wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal.Example: The article a precedes a noun with a consonant sound....

added by edgood
8 years ago

artificial - correct spelling

artificial adjectiveExample: The soldier went back to war with an artificial limb....

added by edgood
8 years ago

ascend - correct spelling

ascend verbExample: She will ascend to upper management....

added by edgood
8 years ago

assistance - correct spelling

assistance nounExample: Let me give you some assistance....

added by edgood
8 years ago

assistant - correct spelling

assistant nounExample: He served as the CEO’s assistant....

added by edgood
8 years ago

associate - correct spelling

associate noun and verbExample: She is a new associate with the law firm. nounExample: She will associate with that firm. verb...

added by edgood
8 years ago

association - correct spelling

association nounExample: This trade association lobbied for the bill....

added by edgood
8 years ago

ate - correct spelling

ate verb (past tense of the verb eat)Example: He ate a nutritious breakfast....

added by edgood
8 years ago

atheist - correct spelling

atheist nounExample: The atheist objected to the Pledge of Allegiance....

added by edgood
8 years ago

athletic - correct spelling

athletic adjective and noun (athletics)Example: He excelled in athletic activities. adjectiveExample: He preferred athletics over politics. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

attempt - correct spelling

attempt noun and verbExample: The doctor will attempt to reattach the severed finger. verbExample: This vain attempt will undoubtedly fail. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

attendance - correct spelling

attendance nounExample: Your attendance at the writing course will improve your skills....

added by edgood
8 years ago

attention - correct spelling

attention nounExample: Give the teacher your full attention....

added by edgood
8 years ago

audience - correct spelling

audience nounExample: The audience eagerly awaited the rock star....

added by edgood
8 years ago

August - correct spelling

August proper nounExample: She was born in August....

added by edgood
8 years ago

author - correct spelling

author noun and verbExample: The author signed books at Barnes & Noble. nounExample: He plans to author a book about the rise and fall of the dollar. verb...

added by edgood
8 years ago

automobile - correct spelling

automobile nounExample: Her problems with her automobile prompted her to call Car Talk....

added by edgood
8 years ago

autumn - correct spelling

autumn nounExample: The oil drilling will begin in the autumn....

added by edgood
8 years ago

auxiliary - correct spelling

auxiliary adjective and nounExample: Our auxiliary power system helped us survive the storm. adjectiveExample: The verb to be serves as an auxiliary verb. adjectiveExample: The auxiliary helped the hospital patients. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

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    Are you a grammar master?

    Choose the sentence with correct use of the past perfect tense:
    A They had already finished their homework when the phone rang.
    B She had went to the store before dinner.
    C We had saw that movie three times.
    D He had did his best, but it wasn't enough.