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accidentally - correct spelling

accidentally adverbNot accidently.Grammar.com's section on the Parts of Speech discusses the demise of -ly adverbs. Click here for that discussion.Example: The waiter accidentally spilled coffee on the customer’s new suit....

added by edgood
8 years ago

acclaim - correct spelling

acclaim verb or nounExample: The crowd acclaimed the conquering heroes. verbExample: The opera singer welcomed the audience’s acclaim. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

accommodate - correct spelling

accommodate verbSpell with two “c’s” and two “m’s.”Example: We can accommodate your wishes....

added by edgood
8 years ago

accommodation - correct spelling

accommodation nounSpell with two “c’s” and two “m’s.”Example: The little inn provided warm accommodations for the travelers....

added by edgood
8 years ago

accompanied - correct spelling

accompanied verb, past tense and past participle of accompany.Example: The bodyguard accompanied the movie star wherever he went....

added by edgood
8 years ago

accomplish - correct spelling

accomplish verbExample: Tiger Woods accomplished the remarkable feat of winning more than 25% of the tournaments he entered....

added by edgood
8 years ago

accordion - correct spelling

accordion nounNot accordian.Example: Lawrence Welk played the accordion over and over and over again....

added by edgood
8 years ago

accumulate - correct spelling

accumulate verbExample: The shareholders noticed that someone accumulated thousands of shares in just 15 minutes....

added by edgood
8 years ago

accumulation - correct spelling

accumulation nounExample: The stock is definitely under accumulation....

added by edgood
8 years ago

accuse - correct spelling

accuse verbExample: The husband will accuse his wife of being unfaithful....

added by edgood
8 years ago

accustomed - correct spelling

accustomed adjective (a past participial adjective, from the verb accustom) and a verbExample: I’ve grown accustomed to her face. adjectiveExample: I have accustomed myself to working every weekend. verb...

added by edgood
8 years ago

ache - correct spelling

ache noun and verbExample: He fought off all the aches and pains. nounExample: His heart ached for his lost love. verb...

added by edgood
8 years ago

achieve - correct spelling

achieve verbExample: He achieved every goal he set for himself....

added by edgood
8 years ago

achievement - correct spelling

achievement nounExample: Winning the PGA was the golfer’s greatest achievement....

added by edgood
8 years ago

acknowledge - correct spelling

acknowledge verbExample: The candidate acknowledged the cheers of the crowd....

added by edgood
8 years ago

acquaintance - correct spelling

acquaintance nounNot acquaintence or aquaintance.Example: In high school, she was a close acquaintance of mine....

added by edgood
8 years ago

acquainted - correct spelling

acquainted verb, past tense and past participle of acquaint, and adjectiveExample: He acquainted us with the corporate plans. verbExample: She was fully acquainted with the facts of the case. adjective...

added by edgood
8 years ago

acquire - correct spelling

acquire verbNot aquire.Example: He tried to acquire a controlling interest in the corporation....

added by edgood
8 years ago

acquit - correct spelling

acquit verbNot aquit.Example: The jury will acquit the defendant if the prosecutor fails to introduce sufficient evidence....

added by edgood
8 years ago

acquitted - correct spelling

acquitted verb, past tense and past participle of the verb acquitExample: The jury acquitted the defendant of the crime.Example: She acquitted herself well in the interview....

added by edgood
8 years ago

across - correct spelling

across preposition, adverb, and adjectiveExample: He traveled across the ocean. prepositionExample: The professor finally got the idea across to the class. adverbExample: She sat with arms across. adjective...

added by edgood
8 years ago

address - correct spelling

address verb and nounExample: The politician will address the convention. verbExample: Send me your email address. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

addressed - correct spelling

addressed verbExample: The politician addressed the convention....

added by edgood
8 years ago

adequate - correct spelling

adequate adjectiveExample: She had adequate funds in her checking account....

added by edgood
8 years ago

advantage - correct spelling

advantage nounExample: We finally have the advantage....

added by edgood
8 years ago

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    Choose the sentence with correct use of the infinitive:
    A I want that you help me.
    B The cat is too scared to climb.
    C They decided to go on vacation.
    D She promised to calls me later.