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nonparallel construction

When you write a series of elements in a sentence, each element must (1) appear in the same grammatical form and (2) perform the same grammatical function. This is the rule of parallel construction. If any element fails to satisfy either criterion,...

added by edgood
8 years ago

nonrestrictive clause

A nonrestrictive clause is also called a nondefining clause.A nonrestrictive clause looks to the noun modified and adds information about it. It does not single it out among others that could exist in the context. Instead, the identity of the modifie...

added by edgood
8 years ago


A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea or emotional state. Nouns are characterized by their ability to form plurals and to take possessive endings. The noun serves a variety of roles in our sentences.Consider the following sentence. In it you'll f...

added by edgood
8 years ago

noun absolute

The noun absolute is a power structure that belongs in your style. All great writers routinely use noun absolutes. In fact, you won't find a great work of fiction without oodles of noun absolutes. You form a noun absolute by taking a noun (or pronoun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

noun adverb

A noun can act as an adverb. In the following examples, notice how the noun answers one of the adverbial questions (how, when, where, or why): He went home. (noun adverb tells where he went)Yesterday he gave the class his views. (noun adverb tells ...

added by edgood
8 years ago

noun appositive

 See appositive....

added by edgood
8 years ago

noun chain

These days writers write long chains of nouns that befuddle the reader. A noun chain is a string of nouns, some acting as noun modifiers and one finally serving the noun function in the sentence. The expression noun chain is, itself, a noun chain.We ...

added by edgood
8 years ago

noun clause

 See nominal clause....

added by edgood
8 years ago

noun modifier

A noun can act as an adjective. When it does, we call it a noun modifier. Indeed, in the expression noun modifier, the word noun acts as a noun modifier. We have hundreds of these expressions in our language. In fact, you can make them up. chair legs...

added by edgood
8 years ago

noun substitute

This is not an official grammatical term. Rather, I made it up to refer to three structures in our language that can step in and perform the roles of the noun: (1) nominal clauses, (2) infinitive phrases, and (3) gerundive phrases. All great write...

added by edgood
8 years ago


In his great work, Modern English Usage, Henry Fowler referred to a “nouny abstract style.” I took that adjective nouny and turned it into the noun nouniness.The term nouniness describes the style of many writers who, for some unknown reason, re...

added by edgood
8 years ago


The concept of number applies to nouns, verbs, and pronouns. Number distinguishes “oneness” and “more-than-oneness,” that is, it distinguishes the singular from the plural.English verbs do not have a special form to denote plurality. Instead,...

added by edgood
8 years ago


The grammatical word object refers to several of the main functions of nouns (and pronouns). A noun can serve as the direct object of a transitive verb, as in John hit the ball. A noun can serve as the object of a preposition, as in Mary went to the ...

added by edgood
8 years ago

object complement

A complement is a word or group of words that completes the action or state of being expressed by the verb. A subject complement typically follows the verb to be or a linking verb (seem, appear, many others).Another kind of complement is the object...

added by edgood
8 years ago

object of a preposition

One of the major roles of the noun or pronoun is the object of the preposition. When a noun or pronoun combines with a preposition, it forms a prepositional phrase, which primarily acts as either an adjective (the book on the table) or an adverb (He ...

added by edgood
8 years ago

objective case

The personal pronouns (and the relative or interrogative pronoun who) exhibit case. The case of a pronoun reveals how the noun it replaces would act in the sentence. We have three cases: (1) subjective or nominative case, (2) objective case, and (3...

added by edgood
8 years ago

parallel construction

When you write a series of elements in a sentence, each element must (1) appear in the same grammatical form and (2) perform the same grammatical function. This is the rule of parallel construction. If any element fails to satisfy either criterion,...

added by edgood
8 years ago


Every main verb has two kinds of participles: a past participle and a present participle.The past participle shows up in verb conjugation in two ways: (1) to form the perfect tenses with the auxiliary verb have (I have decided to retire) and (2) to...

added by edgood
8 years ago

parts of speech

We have eight parts of speech in the English language: (1) nouns, (2) verbs, (3) adjectives, (4) adverbs, (5) pronouns, (6) conjunctions, (7) prepositions, and (8) interjections. Every word you use in speech or writing falls into just one of ...

added by edgood
8 years ago

passive voice

An action verb is either transitive or intransitive. A transitive verb can hook directly to a noun or pronoun (the direct object). An intransitive verb cannot hook directly to a noun or pronoun.Every transitive verb can appear either in the active vo...

added by edgood
8 years ago

past-participial phrase

Regular verbs typically form their past participles by adding ‑ed. Irregular verbs, however, form their past participles in some other way. For example, they change an internal vowel (I drink, I drank, I have drunk), or they add “-en” to form t...

added by edgood
8 years ago

past participle

The past participle shows up in verb conjugation in two ways: (1) to form the perfect tenses with the auxiliary verb have (I have decided to retire) and (2) to form the passive voice with the auxiliary verb to be (The case was decided by the court)...

added by edgood
8 years ago

past-perfect progressive tense

There are six progressive tenses. Some grammarians refer to the progressive tense as the progressive aspect of a verb. The progressive tense shows an “ongoingness” of the action denoted by the verb.The progressive tense is formed by using the ver...

added by edgood
8 years ago

past-perfect tense

The perfect tenses are formed by using the auxiliary verb to have and adding the past participle of the main verb. Thus, the past perfect is formed by taking the past tense of to have (had) and adding the past participle of the main verb. Thus: When ...

added by edgood
8 years ago

past-progressive tense

There are six progressive tenses. Some grammarians refer to the progressive tense as the progressive aspect of a verb. The progressive tense shows an “ongoingness” of the action denoted by the verb.The progressive tense is formed by using the ver...

added by edgood
8 years ago

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    Are you a grammar master?

    Choose the sentence with correct use of the possessive pronoun:
    A This book is hers, not yours.
    B They are going on vacation with we.
    C Our house is bigger than their.
    D He gave the gift to she.