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writing - correct spelling

noun and verb (present participle of the verb write)Example: She enjoys fine writing. nounExample: I will be writing far into the night. verb...

added by edgood
8 years ago

xylophone - correct spelling

nounExample: The small child enjoyed playing the xylophone.Note: Here's an interesting "Word History" from Dictionary.com:Alphabet books for children frequently feature the word xylophone because it is one of the few words beginning with x that a chi...

added by edgood
8 years ago

yacht - correct spelling

noun and verbExample: His yacht cost a fortune. nounExample: He likes to yacht throughout the Caribbean. verb...

added by edgood
8 years ago

yield - correct spelling

verb and nounExample: This action will yield positive results. verbExample: He sought a higher yield on his investments. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

young - correct spelling

adjective and nounExample: The young man asked her out for a date. adjectiveExample: “Youth is wasted on the young.” —George Bernard Shaw. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

your - correct spelling

possessive pronounNote: Far too many people use your when they mean you’re, the contraction for you are. For a discussion, read Grammar.com’s section on Common Grammatical Mistakes. Click here for the beginning of that discussion.Example: Pay att...

added by edgood
8 years ago

you're - correct spelling

contractionNote: Far too many people use your when they mean you’re, the contraction for you are. For a discussion, read Grammar.com’s section on Common Grammatical Mistakes. Click here for the beginning of that discussion.Example: We’re glad y...

added by edgood
8 years ago

Zeitgeist - correct spelling

nounNote: The word is typically capitalized. It means the spirit of the times.Example: The Zeitgeist of England in the Victorian period focused on industrial progress. The Zeitgeist of the 2000s in the United States concerns the Internet....

added by edgood
8 years ago

abase - vocabulary

abase - verb To deprive of esteem, to diminish a person’s self-worth or effectiveness; to degrade or demean; to humble, humiliate, mortify; to bring low, take down a peg. When metastases appeared, men were castrated, since testosterone seemed to pr...

added by edgood
8 years ago

abject - vocabulary

abject - adjective Sunk to a low condition, miserable, degraded, without self-respect, of the lowest kind.Note: Often used in the cliché, abject poverty, where abject serves only as an intensifier. I do not think that an old fellow like me need have...

added by edgood
8 years ago

abjure - vocabulary

abjure - verb To recant; to repudiate under oath; to disavow a stance previously written or said; to renounce irrevocably. 2. Resolved, That we the citizens of Mecklenburg County, do hereby dissolve the political bands which have connected us to the ...

added by edgood
8 years ago

abeyance - vocabulary

abeyance - noun A state of suspension or temporary inaction; the condition of being temporarily set aside or held in suspension, as in They held the program in abeyance. In law, a condition of undetermined ownership as when a property right has yet t...

added by edgood
8 years ago

abominate - vocabulary

abominate - verb To dislike strongly; to regard with loathing; to execrate. Now is as good a time as ever to revisit the history of the Crusades, or the sorry history of partition in Kashmir, or the woes of the Chechens and Kosovars. But the bombers ...

added by edgood
8 years ago

abrogate - vocabulary

abrogate - verb To abolish by official means; to annul by an authoritative act; to repeal, as in to abrogate a law; to put an end to. The new crusade to render socialism irrevocable has raised the temperature further. Yet the balance of the past deca...

added by edgood
8 years ago

abstemious - vocabulary

abstemious - adjective A state of self-denial or abstinence, regarding the use (usually overuse) of food or drink. When [Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121–180)] was eleven years old, he assumed the dress of philosophers, something plain and coarse, ...

added by edgood
8 years ago

abstruse - vocabulary

abstruse - adjective Having to do with matters difficult to comprehend. My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. I can di...

added by edgood
8 years ago

acumen - vocabulary

acumen - noun Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of judgment, insight, discrimination.Note: The older pronunciation stresses the second syllable. The modern pronunciation stresses the first syllable. Eugene Meyer's enlightene...

added by edgood
8 years ago

adduce - vocabulary

adduce - verb To bring forward evidence in an argument; to cite as pertinent or even conclusive. As shown below, often used in legal proceedings: President Clinton, through undersigned counsel, hereby moves the Court pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil...

added by edgood
8 years ago

aggrandize - vocabulary

aggrandizement - noun Aggrandizement: the act of increasing the size or importance of something or somebody. aggrandize - verb Aggrandize: to widen or increase in size or intensity; to make great or greater in wealth, power, honor, or rank; to make s...

added by edgood
8 years ago

alacrity - vocabulary

alacrity - noun A state of cheerful willingness, readiness, or promptness; liveliness or briskness, as in He accepted the promotion with alacrity. I have not that alacrity of spirit Nor cheer of mind that I was wont to have.—William Shakespeare Ric...

added by edgood
8 years ago

amenable - vocabulary

amenable - adjective Willing or ready to answer, serve, agree, yield, or act; agreeable, tractable; legally responsible or answerable, as in She was amenable for her husband’s debt. Despite the document's adoption, however, it was clear that the mo...

added by edgood
8 years ago

anachronism - vocabulary

anachronism - noun Anything or anyone not in the correct historical or chronological time; an error in the assignment of a date or time to a person, thing, or event, as in To describe Mozart in the 19th century is an anachronism. In a consultation ro...

added by edgood
8 years ago

anathema - vocabulary

anathema -noun A person or thing loathed, hated, or detested; a curse or execration, as in This topic is anathema to him.Note: The plural is anathemas. Give me your anathema. Speak new damnations on my head. The evening mist in the hills is soft. The...

added by edgood
8 years ago

anecdote, antidote - vocabulary

anecdote, antidote anecdote - noun A brief account of an interesting or even amusing event or incident. When the ladies removed after dinner Elizabeth ran up to her sister, and seeing her well guarded from cold, attended her into the drawing-room, wh...

added by edgood
8 years ago

antediluvian - vocabulary

antediluvian - adjective Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the days of Noah; something old-fashioned, antiquated, out-of-date. “And is it true the younger Vlassiev girl’s to marry Topov?”“Yes, they say it...

added by edgood
8 years ago

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    Choose the sentence with correct use of the article:
    A They have seen a UFO last night.
    B A cat is a pet.
    C He goes to university.
    D She is reading an interesting novel.