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special - correct spelling

adjective and nounExample: Their wedding was indeed a special occasion. adjectiveExample: The special was rack of lamb. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

specifically - correct spelling

adverbGrammar.com's section on the Parts of Speech discusses the demise of -ly adverbs. Click here for that discussion.Example: He specifically asked for corned beef....

added by edgood
8 years ago

specified - correct spelling

verb (past tense and past participle of the verb specify)Example: She specified exactly which book she wanted to read....

added by edgood
8 years ago

specimen - correct spelling

nounExample: He groaned when the doctor asked him for a specimen....

added by edgood
8 years ago

speech - correct spelling

nounNot speach.Example: The Constitution guarantees our freedom of speech....

added by edgood
8 years ago

sponsor - correct spelling

noun and verbExample: The sponsor of the football game produced some clever ads. nounExample: The Congressman will sponsor his application to West Point. verb...

added by edgood
8 years ago

spontaneous - correct spelling

adjectiveExample: The spontaneous demonstration unsettled the mayor and his cronies....

added by edgood
8 years ago

stationary - correct spelling

adjectiveGrammar.com’s section on Problem Words discusses stationary and stationery. Click here for that discussion.Example: The price of the stock has remained stationary for more than a week.See stationery....

added by edgood
8 years ago

stationery - correct spelling

nounGrammar.com’s section on Problem Words discusses stationary and stationery. Click here for that discussion.Example: She used her personal stationery for the thank-you note.See stationary....

added by edgood
8 years ago

statue - correct spelling

nounNot statute.Grammar.com’s section on Problem Words discusses statue, statute, and stature. Click here for that discussion.Example: The pigeons sat on the statue in the park....

added by edgood
8 years ago

statute - correct spelling

nounNot statue.Grammar.com’s section on Problem Words discusses statue, statute, and stature. Click here for that discussion.Example: Congress passed a statute to lower taxes....

added by edgood
8 years ago

stomach - correct spelling

noun and verbExample: He filled his stomach with junk food. nounExample: He couldn’t stomach any more committee meetings. verb...

added by edgood
8 years ago

straight - correct spelling

adjective, adverb, and nounExample: He walked in a straight line. adjectiveExample: Son, please stand up straight. adverbExample: They wanted their children to stay on the straight and narrow. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

strategy - correct spelling

nounNot strategery. :-)Example: The company’s president developed a new marketing strategy....

added by edgood
8 years ago

strength - correct spelling

nounExample: His bulging muscles showed his strength....

added by edgood
8 years ago

strenuous - correct spelling

adjectiveExample: The doctor advised him to refrain from strenuous exercise....

added by edgood
8 years ago

stretch - correct spelling

verb, noun, and adjectiveExample: You should stretch before exercise. verbExample: That stretch of highway needs new pavement. nounExample: They rode in a stretch limo. adjective...

added by edgood
8 years ago

striking - correct spelling

verb (present participle of the verb strike) and adjectiveExample: The builder was striking the spike with a large hammer. verbExample: The striking young man looked like an actor. adjective...

added by edgood
8 years ago

stubbornness - correct spelling

nounNot stubbernness or stubborness.Example: His stubbornness irritated his neighbors....

added by edgood
8 years ago

studying - correct spelling

verb (present participle of the verb study)Example: We are studying effective writing....

added by edgood
8 years ago

subordinate - correct spelling

adjective, noun, and verbExample: He uses too many subordinate clauses in his writing style. adjectiveExample: Though she was his subordinate, she knew she had more smarts. nounExample: He will subordinate his personal interest to the greater good. v...

added by edgood
8 years ago

subpoena - correct spelling

noun and verbNot subpena.Example: The judge issued a subpoena for the records. nounExample: Congress will subpoena the witnesses. verb...

added by edgood
8 years ago

substantial - correct spelling

adjectiveExample: He bought a substantial interest in the company....

added by edgood
8 years ago

subtle - correct spelling

adjectiveExample: Though the changes were subtle, he noticed them at once....

added by edgood
8 years ago

succeed - correct spelling

verbExample: He wanted to succeed in his career....

added by edgood
8 years ago

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    Choose the sentence with correct use of the gerund as the subject:
    A They are good at playing the piano.
    B He is read a book.
    C Running is good exercise.
    D She enjoys to swim in the ocean.