Found 142 articles starting with M:
The word machination means a crafty scheme or plot.Pronounce the first syllable as “mac,” not “mash.”... |
English language can be altered in various ways and one of those ways is prefixing. Prefixing refers to different units relating to several sizes. Micro and macro are both very similar words where the only difference in the two words is the relative ... |
noun |
Yes, the word mad does mean “angry or wrathful.” It also means “demented, insane.” Various other meanings include “ferocious” (a mad dog), “extremely foolish” (a mad scheme... |
Made From vs. Made Of vs. Made With vs. Made out of Made from Made from is often used when describing how something is modified to create something else; it often describes a material that has been changed by the transformation of its ingredient... |
Pay special attention to those compound adjectives you make up. Most people incorrectly leave out the hyphens: product-liability lawsuit employment-discrimination claim sexual-harassment suit child-support p... |
magazine - noun |
adjective |
English is usually considered one of a simple language when compare to many complicated language like French... |
Introduction The English language is replete with words that sound alike but have different meanings. Such words are known as homophones. Two common examples of these homophones are 'mail' and 'male.' Although they are pronounced identica... |
The main clause of a sentence is the independent clause—complete with subject, conjugated verb, and a third part. The third part is dictated by the verb. If the verb is ... |
The main verb in a sentence is the verb in the main clause, also called the independent clause |
We can first divide all main verbs into two broad categories: action verbs and no-action verbs. Thousands reside in the action-verb group, only a handful in the no-action group. Each of these groups further subdivides into two additional groups:... |
We can first divide all main verbs into two broad categories: action verbs and no-action verbs. Thousands reside in the action-verb group, only a handful in the no-action group. Each of these groups further subdivides into two additional groups:... |
maintain - verb |
maintenance - correct spelling maintenance - noun and adjective (in pharmacology) Example: With proper maintenance, the car should last for years. ... |
Maize” and “maze” are two quite controversial words, which we are going to discuss and detail a lot in the following article. If you only need a quick solution and resume of how to correctly use “maize” and “maze”, what each means and how they are us... |
First, when you mean “most,” use that term, not majority. Thus, in the following, the writer probably does not mean something above 51%. Instead, the writer means most: ... |
When things don’t go the way we want them to, what do you do in such situations? You make do the best out of it. In medieval English language, the phrase make do had a substitute and that was the phrase of make due. However, in today’s current langua... |
manageable - adjective |
maneuver - verb and noun |
Maneuver and manoeuvre are among the list of those words which have more than one spellings and which are a cause of a lot of confusion among young Englis... |
Manga and Anime: Two Japanese Storytelling Media Comparing Manga and AnimeManga is a hand-drawn story in comic book format, featuri... |
This expression usually just adds verbosity to the style. Use way to get rid of it. Thus: The reckless manner in which the driver handled the car ….becomesTh... |
The words manner and manor are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings. Consider the sentences below: ... |
Expressions like in a professional manner flag a loose, slow style. Instead, use the adverb professionally. Watch for in a rigid manner ... |
Mantel” and “mantle” are often confused in English due to their spellings, which are obviously very similar. Either the way they are pronounced, or the way many autocorrect programs work, are often creating grammatical errors by replacing one word wi... |
manufacture - correct spelling manufacture - verb and noun |
Many” and “much” are often considered synonyms by English users, but even though they have similar meanings and refer to the same concepts, they can’t actually be considered synonyms. They are used in different contexts, according to the type of the ... |
March vs. MarchJust before we get started, it's important to clarify that there’s no rule that the word ”march” must never be used with capital letters. In other words, writing ”march” with a capital letter does not automatically ... |
marriage - noun |
married - verb and adjective |
marry - verb |
marshmallow - correct spelling marshmallow - noun |
The terms 'mass' and 'weight' are often used interchangeably in everyday language, which can lead to confusion in scientific contexts. Though they are related concepts, they describe fundamentally different physical properties. This essay aims to ... |
Master and mister are two different words that can often be confusing due to their similar looking spellings and multiple meanings of each word. However, the one similarity between them is that in English language, they are both titles used to refer ... |
Mastering Tenses in English Grammar: Your Ultimate Guide to Time and Action Imagine you’re cooking a delicious meal. The recipe doesn’t just list ingredients—it tells you when... |
match - noun and verb |
material - adjective and noun |
Material" is not synonym with "materiel". Yes, they are spelled similarly and yes, they can both be used as nouns, but their meanings are definitely not identical. Make sure you never say the "materiel" of your dress is silk or cotton, because the tw... |
If you ever got into contact with the word "mathematics", you have certainly also seen at least one of the nouns from the pair "math" and "maths". But which one is correct? How do you spell it shortly, "math" or "maths"? Let's take a quick look upon ... |
mathematics - correct spelling mathematics - noun |
adjective |
Most of us use “may” and “might” interchangeably. We often choose one or the other without giving it much thought and both sound right in most situations. ... |
May vs. MayJust before we get started, it's important to clarify that there’s no rule that the word ”may” must never be written with capital letters. In other words, writing ”may” with a capital letter does not automatically alter its me... |
May vs. Might: Navigating Modal Verbs Understanding the differences between "may" and "might" involves recognizing variations in the usage of modal verbs. This article aims to clarify the distinctions between "may" and "might," shedding l... |
English language has a lot of compound words that refer to two completely different words being joined together to give a meaning that is usually different or same from the original meaning of the two words. These words include; goodbye, passport, po... |
Although these two are written and pronounced completely differently, "me" and "I" are often used interchangeably or used in the wrong context.Let's uncover the main difference between them and the correct ways to use these words!M... |
measure - verb and noun |
"Meat" is a noun that refers to the flesh of animals that is typically used as food. Examples of meat include beef, pork, chicken, and fish. "Meet", on the other hand, is a verb that means to come together or be introduced to someone for the first t... |
A medal is awarded for bravery.Mettle means “courage.”Iron is a metal.My neighbor likes to meddle.Example:... |
Media Literacy for Parents of School-Age Children Children are being brainwashed daily by the media. And so are we. Your school-age children have grown up in a world influenced by media, and they intuitiv... |
The word media is the plural of medium. These days, however, using media as a collec... |
medicine - noun |
medieval - adjective |
memento - noun |
The word memorandum is singular |
Memorize the Various Personal Pronouns Here are the same tables on personal pronouns you memorized in’s section on the Parts of Speech (Pronouns):Singular Personal Pronouns ... |
adjective |
adjective |
adjective |
noun |
noun |
noun |
might - auxiliary verb and noun |
militate, mitigate - vocabulary verb |
millennium - noun |
million - adjective and noun |
millionaire - correct spelling millionaire - noun |
miniature - noun and adjective |
minimum - noun and adjective |
Any piece of speech or writing which does not have the form of a complete sentence but which is normal in context. Examples: "Any news?"; "No smoking!"; "Hello."; "As if I would know."; "Wow!... |
minuscule - adjective |
minutes - noun |
minutia - noun (plural minutiae) Note: Most people use the word to mean “small details.” They should therefore opt for the plural minutiae... |
miracle - noun |
adjective |
miscellaneous - correct spelling miscellaneous - adjective |
mischief - noun |
Have you recently seen the word you knew as "mischievous" also spelled "mischievious" and are you not sure anymore about which one is correct? Well, there are plenty of words in English that differ only by one letter and which have both forms accepte... |
mischievous - correct spelling mischievous - adjective |
noun |
misogyny - noun |
Introduction The distinction between the terms 'misogyny' and 'chauvinism' lies both in their definitions and the nuances they carry in societal and cultural contexts. While both words can denote negative attitudes toward women and femini... |
Miss vs. Missing ... |
missile - noun |
noun |
misspell - verb |
misspelled - verb (past tense and past participle of the verb misspell) and adjective |
mistake - noun and verb |
The English language is rich with words that may sound similar or share certain phonetic characteristics yet have vastly different meanings and implications. This essay will focus on the words 'mistress' and 'distress'... |
Mistrust vs. Distrust: Navigating Variations in Skepticism Understanding the differences between "mistrust" and "distrust" involves recognizing variations in the degree and nature of skepticism. This article aims to clarify the distinctio... |
The word mitigate means “to make less severe or less intense.” The word militate means “to influence strongly.” The word militate is ... |
mitigate, militate - vocabulary See the discussion under militate, mitigate |
There are millions of tiny dust motes in the air. He fell in the moat around ... |
Mobile Phone vs. Cellular Phone The terms 'mobile phone' and 'cellular phone' are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation. However, a nuanced understanding reveals differences in meaning, usage, and context. This essay aims to delve ... |
We have ten modal auxiliary verbs: can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would. We use them to express the mood of the verb, which, most often, is the indicative mood (expressing someth... |
Modelling vs. ModelingAs a verb, "model" refers to the job of a professional model, which is defined as wearing... |
Modifiers are words or groups of words that limit, enumerate, or describe and clarify the meaning of other words—called headwords. The headwords are nouns (or words acting as nouns) or verbs |
Modifying Adjectives and Adverbs Amber and Miss Hamrick also wanted to further describe the adjectives they used to modify nouns. Not content with saying The sunset is beautiful, they became grandiose and said The sunset is unbe... |
Modifying an Entire Sentence or Clause Use of Hopefully to Start a SentenceThis discussion will undoubtedly get some readers’ noses out of joint, because it points out that starting a sentence with the word hopefully is acceptabl... |
Even though "mold" and "mole" may look almost identically for the simple reason of coincidence, they refer to completely differe... |
British and American English have different rules when it comes to spelling the words. Americans omit the U that appears in some British words as a second vowel directly before a consonant. Therefore, mold ormould are a same word with same meaning an... |
momentous - adjective |
Monies vs. Moneys: Navigating Variations in Plural Forms Understanding the differences between "monies" and "moneys" involves recognizing variations in plural forms. This article aims to clarify the distinctions between "monies" and "mone... |
monkey - noun and verb |
The English language is rich with words that often confuse learners due to their phonetic similarities or overlapping usages. Two such words are monkey and donkey. Although they may sound alike, they refer to enti... |
There is a common confusion in English that people make between “monologue” and “soliloquy”. Some have the tendency to use one instead of the other, regardless of that fact that they actually don’t mean exactly the same things.Mainly, yes, th... |
monotonous - adjective |
First, understand this: The word mood has nothing to do with frame of mind, as in happy or sad. It actually refers to mode, which is the attribute of a verb suggesting the speaker's attitude toward the action expressed.The m... |
Inexperienced English users can easily get tricked by “moot” and “mute”, maybe even tempted to pronounce them the same. But even though they sound similarly, they are spelled quite differently and surely define completely distinct concepts.Ch... |
moral - adjective and noun |
Do “moral” and “morale” refer to different concepts originating in the same noun? Are there any differences in their meanings that are causing the different spellings of these words? Or is it about British/American spelling preferences? Let’s discuss... |
Moral is an adjective used to describe things that have a quality of goodness or character. The word moral also acts as a noun... |
morale - noun |
In my last blog, I began my diatribe against the awful like word. In this edition, we’ll explore some grammar and see how the like word can serve as seven out of the eight parts of speech. Many children develop the like... |
More So Vs. Moreso: Which is the Correct Spelling? More so and moreso mean the same the thing. But which spelling should we use? Here is the simple answer: The two-word phrase, ... |
adjective |
mortgage - noun and verb |
mosquito - noun |
mosquitoes - noun (plural of the noun mosquito) Example: The swarm of mosquitoes disrupted the party.... |
Most Common British/American English Spelling Mistakes While both countries speak the same language, no one can deny that there are quite a few differences in the way that some words are spelled. In many cases, people often confuse the spelling of many words and they can’t tell which... |
mountain - noun |
mournful - adjective |
Moustache vs. Mustache: Unraveling Facial Hair Terminology In the realm of facial hair, the terms "moustache" and "mustache" are both widely used, but their spellings may vary based on regional differences. This article aims to clarify th... |
Some adjectives can be really tricky due to their derivation rules. And especially if there are more versions, as in the case of “movable” and “moveable”, or “lovable” and “loveable”, you can get really confused.So are they correct or misspel... |
The terms 'movie' and 'film' are often used interchangeably in casual conversation, but they possess distinct nuances and connotations that are worth exploring. This essay delves into the etymology, usage, and cultural implications of both words, ... |
Much means “in large degree or quantity.”Many means “numerous” or “of an indefinite number.”Generally, much is applied to ... |
Much ... |
Have you ever been confused by the two different spellings of "mucus" and "mucous"? Well, they seem to refer to the same thing, so why the one-letter distinction? Is it a classical situation of two accepted spellings for the same word, is there an ol... |
The English language is rich and nuanced, containing words that may appear synonymous at first glance but actually possess distinct meanings and connotations. Two such terms are 'mug' and 'cup'. In this essay, we ... |
Word number 1: SpareFirst meaning: Spare someone's life-let someone liveE.g. The knight decided to spare the dragon's life.Second meaning: Spare as in spare tire-additionalE.g. Do you have a spare t... |
adjective |
The English language is rich with words that, while often used interchangeably, possess distinct meanings and connotations. Two such terms that frequently elicit confusion are 'munition' and 'ammunition'. Though c... |
murmur - noun and verb |
muscle - noun and verb |
MyIQ Review: Understanding IQ Tests and Their Role in Modern Society IQ tests have long been a subject of both intrigue and controversy. These standardized assessments aim to measure cognitive abilities such as logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, memory, and overall intellectual potential. In this articl... |
Though myriad may act as a noun (a myriad of problems) or an adjective (myriad problems... |
noun |
myself, himself, yourself, herself, ourself, ourselves The section on the Parts of Speech has a thorough discussion of “reflexive and intensive pronouns,” that is, the -... |
mysterious - adjective |
mystery - noun and adjective |
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