Found 144 articles starting with F: Page #3

Finally, Students Who Want to Graduate, here are 7 Dissertation Writing Tips to Help

Introduction In critical times, when you are short on time, you might feel overwhelmed with any task. Whether it's writing a dissertation or preparing for the final semester of college, determining your process is required....

financial - correct spelling

financial adjective
Example: His financial status enabled him to contribute a large sum for the new hospital....

financially - correct spelling

financially adverb's section on the Parts of Speech discusses the demise of -ly adverbs. Click here for that d...

financier - correct spelling

financier noun
Example: Her success as a financier attracted the attention of the media....

finite verb

A finite verb is a conjugated verb, which shows tense, person, number, and mood
. The opposite of a finite verb is the ...

Finite Verb

Among many different forms of verbs, finite verbs is one of the less known. You may or may not be aware of i...

Finite Verb - Tense, Person, Number, Mood

A finite verb is just that: finite. It’s finite in time, as in present, past, future, and other time dimensions.Tense, What Is It?When we talk about time in relation to verbs, in grammarian parlance we are talking abo...

First Person

You would have heard a lot of times about the term first person. If you are an English ...

firstly, secondly, thirdly

You should use first, second, and third to show textual enumerations in your writing. Many authorities prefer first, not firstly...

Fish vs. Fishes

Fish vs. Fishes"Fish" and "fishes" represent one of those pairs of almost identical words, that can create a lo...

Five Kinds of Verbs - An Overview

F. Scott Fitzgerald is quoted as saying, “All fine prose is based on the verbs carrying the sentence.”Let’s look back and make certain we all understand the five kinds of verbs. Broadly, we have two groups of main verbs, action and no-action,...

flabbergast - correct spelling

flabbergast verb
Not flabberghast.Example: He wanted to flabbergast the guests with his rude behavior....

Flammable vs. Inflammable

Flammable vs. Inflammable: Navigating Fire Safety Terminology When it comes to fire safety, the terms "flammable" and "inflammable" are used to convey the same concept, but their subtle difference in meaning can lead to confusion. This ar...

Flare vs. Flair

Flare" and "flair" are pronounced like they are the same word, with the same signification and spelling. But while their spellings are slightly different, their meanings are actually a lot more distinct. In fact, there is absolutely no similarity or ...

flaunt, flout

Flaunt means “to show off” or “to exhibit shamelessly.” Flout means “to show contempt for, to mock, to show disdain.” Unfortunately, perhaps because flaunt is commonly used...

flight - correct spelling

flight noun
Example: Our flight leaves at 8:30 p.m....

flotation - correct spelling

flotation noun
Not floatation.Example: The flotation of the rubber duck intrigued the baby girl....

Flour vs. Flower

Ground wheat or other grain that you use for baking.The colored part of a plant that produces seeds or fruit.To produce flowers.A plant that has flowers....

flourish - correct spelling

flourish verb
Example: With this education, she should flourish in her career....

Flout vs. Flaunt

He always flaunts about how he flout the rules every time. ...

fluorescent - correct spelling

fluorescent adjective
Example: The fluorescent light burned for hours....

Flush out vs. Flesh out

Flush out” and “flesh out” are two expressions commonly confused and used wrongly. Misspelling them is something quite natural, given the fact that they look so similar and only have one letter distinct. But it’s important to know the difference, cau...

Flyer vs. Flier

Differences between different spellings of English words come from a lot of sources: different meanings, double form acceptance, American or British English variations, diversity of prefixes or suffixes and so on.But no matter their cause, so...

foible - vocabulary

A minor failing or weakness of character; slight defect or flaw. It is the foible especially of American youth,—pretension. The mark of the man of the world is absence of pretension. He...


Don’t hesitate to start a sentence with For. It’s a coordinating conjunction, and great writers have been starting sentences with conjunctions for hun...

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    Choose the sentence with correct use of the possessive pronoun:
    A They are going on vacation with we.
    B He gave the gift to she.
    C This book is hers, not yours.
    D Our house is bigger than their.

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