Found 188 articles starting with E: Page #5

Enrol vs. Enroll

Enrol vs. Enroll...

ensure, insure, assure

Most writers use these words interchangeably.But there are some differences. For example, assure is used only in reference to people. You assure your boss. If you insure...

entirely - correct spelling

entirely adverb's section on the Parts of Speech discusses the demise of -ly adverbs. Click here for that disc...

Entitled vs. Titled

Sometimes, using the right expression for your message can be difficult, especially if there are more similar words referring to the same thing. But the solution to these confusions is simple: you have to understand what each word represents and in w...

entrance - correct spelling

entrance noun and verb
Example: The new owners installed spotlights to shine on the entrance to their house. nou...

entrepreneur - correct spelling

entrepreneur noun
Example: The entrepreneur started many new businesses before one finally succeeded....

envelop - correct spelling

envelop verb
Not envelope (which is a noun
).Example: He wanted to ...

Envelop vs. Envelope

He tore open the envelope as he was enveloped in anguish. ...

envelope - correct spelling

envelope noun
Not envelop (which is a verb
).Example: He put the check in the ...

environment - correct spelling

environment noun
Example: The exhaust from the huge trucks harms the environment....

Envision vs. Invision

You certainly know what "envision" means, it's not the definition of the word that creates confusions and doubts here, but the spelling. And that's what we're about to discuss in this article. Are both "envision" and "invision" correct? If that's wha...

Envoy vs. Convoy

Both convoy and envoy are nouns. Convoy can be used as a verb too, as we will see later in the article.  Envoy Envoy is derived from the old French word ‘...

epiphany - vocabulary

A sudden appearance or bodily manifestation of a deity; a sudden, intuitive perception of the essential meaning or significance of something, usually initiated by a commonplace occurrence.Note:...

epithet - vocabulary

Any word or phrase applied to a person or thing and used to describe an actual or attributed quality, as in The Great Communicator used to describe Ronald Reagan or man’s best friend used to describe ...

epitome - vocabulary

A person or thing that is typical of or represents to a high degree the attributes of an entire class; a summary or abstract of a larger literary work.Note: The word epitome does not m...

equable, equitable

The word equable means “even, tranquil, level.” The word equitable derives from equity and means “fair, just, or relating to a court of equity.”Example: ...

equanimity - vocabulary

Emotional or mental stability or composure, especially when tensed or strained; calm. We could not help contrasting the equanimity of Nature with the bustle and impatience of man. His w...

equipment - correct spelling

equipment noun
Example: He bought all new computer equipment....

equipped - correct spelling

equipped verb (past tense and past participle of the verb equip)Example: They equipped...

equity - vocabulary

Characterized by fairness. In law, the term courts of equity refers to a parallel system of courts in England and, later, the United States, that could give remedies deemed inadequate in courts of law...

equivalent - correct spelling

equivalent adjective and noun
Example: His new TV was equivalent to mine. adjective...

equivocal - vocabulary

Equivocate: To hedge, to utter ambiguous statements, to use unclear expressions.adjective
Equivocal: Ambiguous, open to more than one i...

err - correct spelling

err verb
Example: “To err is human, to forgive divine.” *Example: We will err...

erudition, erudite - vocabulary

Erudition: deep, extensive knowledge and learning.adjective
Erudite: characterized by great knowledge and learning. ...

eschew - vocabulary

To stay away from, to avoid, to abstain from. Revelry rules the roost on New Year's Eve, but there are those who value fine dining more than noise-making. Many of Long Island's best restaurants are plan...

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the comparative adverbs:
    A They reached the destination sooner than we.
    B She dances more beautifully than him.
    C She speaks English more fluently than anyone in the class.
    D He finished the race quicker than the other athletes.

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