Found 188 articles starting with E: Page #2

Egg on Your Face

This Grammar eBook explores the most prevalent grammatical mistakes people make. Each mistake is thoroughly discussed and illustrated with examples in the media and on the Internet.Here's a list of The Top 25 Grammatical Mistakes...

egoism, egotism - vocabulary

egoism, egotism - noun
Egoism: a philosophical doctrine that morality has its foundations in self-interest.Egotism: an excessive preoccupation with self. ...

egregious - vocabulary

egregious - adjective
Extraordinary in a bad way, glaring, flagrant, as in an egregious violation of the law. On Jan. 31, 1996, the city ordered the tenants of a Harlem brownstone to move out...

eight - correct spelling

eight noun
Example: She loved her eight grandchildren....

eighth - correct spelling

eighth adjective and noun
Example: This was the eighth time he won the lottery. adjective...

either - correct spelling

either adjective, adverb, pronoun, and correlative conjunction
Example: You may sit on ...

Either vs. Neither

Either vs. Neither"Either" and "neither" represent a pair of words frequently used in the English vocabulary. But these two can be used in so many different contexts that their meanings can become confusing. In addition, they are also ...


1. With too and so respectively Differences between Either and too (both either and too are used at the end of a sentence) – ...

Elder vs. Elderly

Introduction The words 'Elder' and 'Elderly' are often used to describe individuals of advanced age, but they have nuanced differences that can lead to confusion. In this article, we will explore their distinctions and similarities, focus...

Elicit vs Illicit

Elicit Elicit is a verb which means t...

Elicit vs. Illicit

Elicit” and “illicit” are different spellings for the same concept? They seem to be, according to how similarly they are pronounced, and to the fact that somehow, they both refer to something related to information, in various contexts. Seems fair en...

elicit, illicit

Elicit is a verb that means “to draw out.”Illicit is an adjective describing unlawful or underhanded behavior or a...

elicit, illicit - vocabulary

Elicit: verb, to draw out, to bring forth, to call forth or provoke.Illicit: adjective, not legally perm...

eligibility - correct spelling

eligibility noun
Example: He increased his eligibility for the loan by taking on two jobs....

eligible - correct spelling

eligible adjective and noun
Example: He stands out among the eligible candidates as the one likely to win. ...

eliminate - correct spelling

eliminate verb
Example: We should eliminate him from the list of prospects....


Punctuation is the basic element of English grammar and without it a sentence is not only incomplete but als...

elliptical clause

A useful power structure is the elliptical clause, also called a truncated clause. The structure consists of a subordinating conjunction (if, though, although, when, while, and many ...

elliptical expression

An elliptical expression is a group of words with certain understood words omitted. Good writers routinely use elliptical expressions. You may punctuate elliptical expressions in two ways: (1) begin the expression with a semicolon, and then insert a ...

Elliptical Sentence

In English language a lot of complex words and forms exist which are not so commonly known by native English...

elucidate - vocabulary

To bring out more clearly the facts concerning; to make lucid or clear. The chief element in the art of statesmanship under modern conditions is the ability to elucidate the confused an...

elude, allude - vocabulary

Elude: to evade the search or pursuit of by dexterity or artifice; to escape capture. Also, to escape the understanding of, as in The answer eluded me.Allude:...

Em Dashes - No Spaces

No spaces come before and after the dash. The dash—a most effective punctuation mark—halts readers in their tracks.  Previous: En and Em Dashes...

emaciate - vocabulary

To waste away in flesh, to make abnormally lean. Often used as a verbal adjective, as in After his diet, he looked emaciated. It never entered his head to analyse the d...

email - correct spelling

email noun and verb
Note: Spelled email, e-mail, and E-mail. By using email and omitting the hyphen, you will avoid having the word wrap at t...

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    Which sentence contains a misplaced modifier?
    A The dog chased the ball happily.
    B Quickly running down the street, the car was spotted.
    C After the rain, the flowers bloomed beautifully.
    D Hiking in the mountains, the view was breathtaking.

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