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Exasperate vs Exacerbate Exasperate vs Exacerbate There can be a tendency to confuse these two words and incorrectly swap them out, as they sound similar. Read on to learn how to properly use them in speaking or writing.<… |
interfere - correct spelling interfere - verb Example: The injury won’t interfere with his work. |
interrupt - correct spelling interrupt - verb Example: This loud noise from the street will interrupt the meeting. |
introduce - correct spelling introduce - verb Example: He will introduce his sister at the party. |
know - correct spelling know - verb Example: He wanted to get to know her. |
prefer - correct spelling prefer - verb Example: We can go to the opera, if you prefer. |
proceed - correct spelling proceed - verb Example: You must proceed with caution. |
pronounce - correct spelling pronounce - verb Example: They must learn to pronounce words properly. |
propagate - correct spelling propagate - verb Example: He sought to propagate a new hybrid tomato. |
pursue - correct spelling pursue - verb Example: She tried to pursue her dream of fame and fortune. |
weigh - correct spelling verb Example: We must weigh all options. |
while - correct spelling subordinating conjunction, noun, and verb Example: She whistled while she worked. subordinating conjunction Example: Sit down and rest for a while. noun |
To vs. Too To vs. TooGrammatically, the key difference between “to” and “too” is easy to remember and understand. “To” is a preposition, whereas “too” is an adverb. Short and simple explanations so far! But the… |
Types of Sentences A sentence is the simplest element of English grammar that makes up the language. A sentence is two or more words that contains a subject and a verb and gives a complete thought that is understandabl… |
Can vs. May Can vs. May: Navigating Permission and Possibility Understanding the differences between "can" and "may" involves navigating nuances in expressing permission and possibility. This article aims to cla… |
inveigh - vocabulary verb To utter vehement censure or invective, to protest strongly (often followed by against). Senate Democrats who oppose President Bush's Iraq policy spoke today against Condoleezza Rice's nomina… |
nausea, nauseate, nauseous, nauseating - vocabulary nausea, noun; nauseate, verb; nauseous, nauseated, and nauseating, adjectives. Note: Purists insist that nauseous means “causing nausea,” as in the nauseous roller-coaster ride, a… |
obviate - vocabulary verb To anticipate, eliminate, or prevent difficulties by effective measures, as in to obviate the risk of injury. The Internet, on the other hand, not only creates niche communities—of young peop… |
ostracize - vocabulary verb To exclude, by general agreement, from friendship, society, conversation, or privileges, as in His friends ostracized him after the scandal broke. Even after this skirmish, Democrats are unli… |
Offense vs. Offence Is there any notable difference between “offense” and “offence”? Some might think that it’s the same situation as “advise” and “advice”, that one is the verb and the other is the noun. Others already… |
Guarantee vs. Guaranty When you see the pair of words "guarantee" and "guaranty", do you think they are confused or misspelled? Are they both correct and accepted for the same meaning, or are they completely different rega… |
Honor vs. Honour Is someone close to you getting married and you need to print out the wedding card? Are you confused about the phrase Maid of Honor and wondering if it’s Maid of Honour? The difference in the spellin… |
Favor vs. Favour Can you do me a favor and bring the grocery bags inside.Favor is a widely used word which can be spelled with or without the u. If you are confused about when to use which favor and what is the diffe… |
Admit vs. Confess Ever wondered about the difference between admission and confession? And don’t say there isn’t because there IS! Admit and confess is a pair of words that usually tips of writers while writing their… |
Seize vs. Cease The enemy countries ceased fire and then one seized the other’s air force base. Does the above sentence makes sense to you? It uses two homophones i.e. a pair or words that have same pronunciation bu… |