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immigrant - correct spelling

immigrant - noun  Grammar.com's section on Problem Words discusses immigrate and emigrate. Click here for that discussion.Example: The immigrant came to this country in search of the American dream....

added by edgood
8 years ago

implement - correct spelling

implement - verb and noun  Example: Congress failed to implement the new program to improve the schools. verbExample: The electric screwdriver is the most useful implement in his toolbox. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

inadvertent - correct spelling

inadvertent - adjective  Not inadvertant.Example: Though his mistake was inadvertent, it was also costly....

added by edgood
8 years ago

incidental - correct spelling

incidental - adjective and noun (often plural)  Example: Though the contact was incidental, he was arrested for battery. adjectiveExample: We paid for the office supplies and other incidentals. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

incidentally - correct spelling

incidentally - adverb  Not incidently.Grammar.com's section on the Parts of Speech discusses the demise of -ly adverbs. Click here for that discussion.Example: They met incidentally at the convention a year before their marriage....

added by edgood
8 years ago

increase - correct spelling

increase - verb and noun  Example: These additional sales will increase the company’s profits. verbExample: The city saw a disturbing increase in violent crime. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

incredible - correct spelling

incredible - adjective  Example: His incredible alibi failed to convince the police....

added by edgood
8 years ago

independence - correct spelling

independence - noun  Example: During college, she relished her independence from her parents....

added by edgood
8 years ago

independent - correct spelling

independent - adjective  Example: The independent prosecutor will investigate the allegations....

added by edgood
8 years ago

indicted - correct spelling

indicted - verb (past tense and past participle of the verb indict)  Example: The grand jury indicted the corporate official for criminal fraud....

added by edgood
8 years ago

indispensable - correct spelling

indispensable - adjective  Not indispensible.Example: His putter was the indispensable club in his golf bag....

added by edgood
8 years ago

inevitable - correct spelling

inevitable - adjective  Example: With his hard work, his success became inevitable....

added by edgood
8 years ago

influence - correct spelling

influence - noun and verb  Example: The minister exerted undue influence on the parishioner to make her change her will. nounExample: Voter turnout will influence the election results. verb...

added by edgood
8 years ago

influential - correct spelling

influential - adjective  Example: She is an influential lawmaker in the state legislature....

added by edgood
8 years ago

information - correct spelling

information - noun  Example: The attachment to the email provided the information we needed....

added by edgood
8 years ago

ingenious - correct spelling

ingenious - adjective  Not ingenius. Not ingenuous.Grammar.com’s section on Problem Words discusses ingenuous and ingenious. Click here for that discussion.See genius.Example: Her ingenious invention will save many lives....

added by edgood
8 years ago

ingenuous - correct spelling

ingenuous - adjective  Not ingenious.Grammar.com’s section on Problem Words discusses ingenuous and ingenious. Click here for that discussion.Example: The thief’s ingenuous smile belied his true intentions....

added by edgood
8 years ago

initiate - correct spelling

initiate - verb and noun  Example: She plans to initiate the new procedure this afternoon. verbExample: The new initiate joined the fraternity of his father. noun...

added by edgood
8 years ago

innocence - correct spelling

innocence - noun  Example: Before the judge imposed the sentence, the convicted felon continued to maintain his innocence....

added by edgood
8 years ago

inoculate - correct spelling

inoculate - verb  Not innoculate.Example: The doctor wanted to inoculate the poor children in the village....

added by edgood
8 years ago

inquiry - correct spelling

inquiry - noun  Example: The panel’s official inquiry will uncover the truth....

added by edgood
8 years ago

insistent - correct spelling

insistent - adjective  Example: His insistent cry attracted the attention of a passerby....

added by edgood
8 years ago

instead - correct spelling

instead - adverb  Example: We ordered tea instead....

added by edgood
8 years ago

instinct - correct spelling

instinct - noun  Example: Through instinct, the birds migrated south for the winter....

added by edgood
8 years ago

insurance - correct spelling

insurance - noun and adjective  Grammar.com’s section on Problem Words discusses the verb forms insure, ensure, and assure. Click here for that discussion.Example: His life insurance provided a comfortable retirement for his wife. nounExample...

added by edgood
8 years ago

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    A They are closing the door.
    B Close the door behind you.
    C He wants to close the door.
    D She is closing the door behind her.