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Exceed vs. Accede

Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds. He acceded to the throne after his father. Do you know the difference between exceed and accede? Do the above sentences give an idea to what they might mean? Exceed and accede are a pair of words with simil...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Addition vs. Edition

He bought a car in addition to the truck he got last week. The new edition of the book will be published next month. Addition and edition are homophones that is, they sound the same but spell and mean totally different from their other half. This art...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Adverse or Averse

More significantly, he has shown that if such ageing cells are selectively destroyed, these adverse effects go away. Your survey shows that banks are more risk-averse than they used to be. Adverse and averse have spellings very close to each other wh...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Resign vs. Re-sign

Do you intend to re-sign the employment contract? Susan had resolved to resign from her position. Notice the above two sentences. Did you understand the meanings of resign and re-sign from them? If not, this article will explain the meanings and diff...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Fuelling vs. Fueling

The mystery of the spellings of certain words causes a lot of confusion for beginners of English language as they are unable to distinguish between the two. Consider the following sentences: Ian was fuelling his car when he heard the crash. Ian was f...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Paediatric vs. Pediatric

This article answers all your questions about the spelling of these two words along with definitions, origins, usage and examples. Read along and you will get to know the difference between the two spellings. Origin: The word pediatrics and its cogna...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Dialog vs. Dialogue

I wrote a dialogue between a customer and a shopkeeper. I wrote a dialog between a customer and a shopkeeper. Which of the above sentence is correct? Is a longer dialogue a dialogue and a shorter one simply a dialog? What is the difference between a ...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Pretence vs. Pretense

This not very common word is often confused for its alternative half making it difficult for young writers to make a decision on what the right spellings of the word are. Consider the following sentences: It became obvious that his theories were noth...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Offence vs. Offense

The team had troubles with their offense because they key player was injured. The offence was clearly much lighter than the punishment. Do you know the difference between offence with a c and offense with an e? Can you figure out if the above sentenc...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Licence vs. License

Are you licensed to use this machine? Do you have a license acclaiming you to use this machine? Are the above sentences right? Do you think that one of the sentence should have license with different spellings? Well, yes and no! The difference betwee...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Analyze vs. Analyse

Analyze vs. Analyse"Analyze" and "analyse" are two other English words confusing people around with their spelling. They are pronounced in the very same way, yet a lot of people are never sure when to spell them with "z" or "s".Does this small differ...

added by malza
7 years ago

Fiber vs. Fibre

Every fiber of her body was throbbing with pain after the crash. Pay attention to the word fiber in the above sentence and think about it. Do you believe that fiber used here must have different spellings; fibre, instead? If you do not have any probl...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Labour vs. Labor

English learners are sometimes confused when they see two words with very similar spellings and meanings. They read about them both and when the time comes to use that word in an essay, they are all confused. Which ones were the right ones? Was there...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Recognize vs. Recognise

Recognize and recognise are the two spellings of the same word that are both acceptable and exchangeable but one spellings are more commonly used in one part of the world while the others are common in the other. To differentiate between the two spel...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Theater vs. Theatre

Should we go watch a movie in a theatre or a theater? English learners and speakers sometimes find it confusing when there are two spellings of a single word on their minds and they can’t choose which ones are right. Theatre (or theater) is one suc...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Paralyze vs. Paralyse

“The patient’s spinal cord is paralyzed,” said the doctor. Did the author use right spellings of paralyze in the above sentence? Are you in doubt about the spellings and need more information to decide? If so, you landed on the right page. This...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Travelled vs. Traveled

Lee travelled to the Middle East during vacations. Or had she traveled? Travel, a simple and common word of English, when used in its derivative forms can be written in two ways; with a single l or with two ls. This can be seen in traveled and travel...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Maneuver vs. Manoeuvre

Maneuver and manoeuvre are among the list of those words which have more than one spellings and which are a cause of a lot of confusion among young English writers. The word itself is a long, uncommon and complicated which further increases the chanc...

added by angbeenc
7 years ago

Yoke vs. Yolk

Do you often find it difficult to distinguish "yoke" from "yolk" because they are spelled so similarly? Well, then it's essential that you remember the definition of each and make sure you don't confuse them, because their meanings are not identical ...

added by malza
8 years ago

Wreathe vs. Wreath

I wreathed my door with a lily wreath. Wreath and wreathe are homophones of each other that is, they sound the same, have very similar spellings but their meanings are quite different. Have you heard of these two homophones before and do you know the...

added by angbeenc
8 years ago

Pole vs. Poll

The director promised to strike the poll in the ground if the results of the pole were in his favor. Pole and poll are very common and widely used words of English language and you must have been using them in your essays and speech all your life. Bu...

added by angbeenc
8 years ago

Palate vs. Palette vs. Pallet

Ever come across words in your writing experiences which sound the same? However and in whatever accent you pronounce them, they always seem to sound exactly alike. Their spellings and meanings are different and you often confuse these words due to t...

added by angbeenc
8 years ago

Loath vs. Loathe

Elle was loathed to admit that she loathed her mother. Read the above sentence and ponder for a moment. Does it make sense? What context do you get out of that sentence? If it is confusing and you can’t seem to figure out the difference in the mea...

added by angbeenc
8 years ago

Hoard vs. Horde

Grandfather has a hoard of old gold coins which he like to brag about to a horde of people. The above sentence contains a pair of homophones; hoard and horde. The homophones (as evident from the sentence) are two words that sound similar but have ent...

added by angbeenc
8 years ago

Fawn vs. Faun

Homophones, literally "same sound" are usually defined as words that share the same pronunciation, regardless of how they are spelled. The similarity in the sounds of the homophones gives rise to an upsurge of misconception and confusion among the yo...

added by angbeenc
8 years ago

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the passive voice:
    A We are watching a movie tonight.
    B The teacher gave us a challenging assignment.
    C He will finish the project by tomorrow.
    D The cake was baked by my sister.