Found 351 articles starting with C: Page #7

collective noun

A collective noun, also called a group noun, refers to a group of persons or things. Examples include group, number, majority, team, and many others.In American English, when individual members of ...

Collective Noun

Noun is the main part of a sentence and one of the most important pillars of English grammar. Noun is the na...

college - correct spelling

Example: He worked hard to send his children to college....


You may or may not be a native English speaker but if you landed on this page it means that you are an arden...

colloquialism, colloquial - vocabulary

colloquialism, colloquial - noun
Colloquialism: an ordinary or familiar expression; familiar style or usage.adjective


Punctuation is the basic element of English grammar and without it a sentence is not only incomplete but als...

Colon and Independent Clauses

Colon Acts like a PeriodMany writers use the colon between two independent clauses, especially when the subject matter of the second clause expands on, or exemplifies, the subject matter of the first. Some writers start the s...

Colon Goes Outside

The colon should be placed outside quotation marks. When the quoted matter ends with a colon, the colon is dropped. The employee has two objections to the practice of "early retirement": He wants to continue ...

colonel - correct spelling

Example: The Air Force colonel welcomed the new recruits....

Colonize vs. Colonise

The Greeks colonized Sicily and southern Italy. Our organization is seeking to protect the rights of the newly ...

Colons with Quotation Marks

Colon Comes OutsideThe colon should be placed outside quotation marks. When matter ending with a colon is quoted, the colon is dropped: The employee has two objections to the practice...

Color vs. Colour — And Who is Noah Webster?

The word color is used by people in the United States whereas the word colour is used everywhere else in the English-speaking world. So why is there a difference in the spelling of these words? ...

column - correct spelling

Example: The bird nested in the white column on the building.Example: She writes a ...

Coma vs. Comma

Most pairs of words that are frequently misspelled do have some subtle differences in the way they sound, due to a different letter or pronunciation. That makes it easier to spot the difference between them. But when it comes to “coma” and “comma”, t...

Combining Various Parts of Speech

You will also form compound adjectives by combining various parts of speech. Here's the way hyphenation works: Combining   Parts of Speec...

Come get it vs. Come and get it

Some expressions are so often used on the internet wrongly, that they start to seem right and, sometimes, they actually become acceptable, at least informally. “Come get it” and “come and get it” is one of these examples – they are expressions tha...

comedy - correct spelling

Example: Seinfeld was a comedy about relationships and life in New York....

comfortable - correct spelling

Example: He reclined on the comfortable sofa to watch the football game....

comic, comical

Something is comic if it is intended to be funny. The word is mainly applied to skits, songs, plays and the like. "Tom Lehrer was famous for his comic songs."Something is comical if it is unintentionally funny. "Her portrayal of O...

coming - correct spelling

comingverb (present participle of the verb come), noun, and adjective
Example: She is ...

Comma Goes Inside

The comma goes inside the closing quotations marks. According to the editor, writers make mistakes in "quoting from research sources," "using too many quotations," and "putting punctuation marks in th...

Commas and Coordinate Adjectives

Long, Hot SummerWhen each of two adjectives modifies the same noun, put a comma between them. As a test, put the word and between the two adjectives. If it fits, then the adjectives are called coordinate adjectiv...

Commas and Elliptical Expressions

Use a CommaUse a comma to show the omission of a word or words readily understood from context: In Illinois, there are seventeen such institutions; in Ohio, twenty-two; in ...

Commas and Independent Clauses

Comma Before the andWhen the conjunction joins two or more independent clauses, put a comma before the conjunction: The supervisor reported the misbehavior, but the personnel committe...

Commas and Introductory Clauses or Phrases

You should put a comma after an introductory clause or phrase: Though the agency had studied this issue before, it went ahead with another study. (Introductory dependent clause.)If I were you,...

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    Identify the sentence with correct use of the preposition 'during':
    A She read a book during the flight.
    B The cat is hiding during the noise.
    C They had a picnic during the summer.
    D He walked during the storm.

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