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  Junior Editor

I profess myself to be a lifelong student, learning and growing every day for the pure joy of witnessing the becoming.

  February 2023     8 months ago

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8 months ago

I was under the impression that words which include a vowel in a word (typically omitted, per American-English grammar rules) is accepted only because it is common practice per English (non-American) grammar rules.

Am I understanding this correctly? Is there something more that could be added to this so that I might understand things with more detail and clarity?

2 years ago

I enjoyed the examples. The third example (the usage of question marks and exclamation points inside of parenthetical statements) was very informative. I hadn't realized the structure could exist as it was demonstrated until now. 

2 years ago

I understand the concept but would appreciate more examples.

I recently commented on a post on this website. I will share what I wrote and would appreciate if someone would let me know if I used the single quotation marks correctly. (Also, if I'd just said, "...If I used the 'SQM' correctly" if this is an example of correctly used single quotation marks.)

Here is the comment I shared where the uncertainty of the correct usage exists:
"I enjoyed the breakdown of the usages, acceptability and correctness in usage of either option. I'm gathering that until 'moreso' becomes a more common and accepted version of 'more so' that it's best to use 'more so' in the professional capacity. Is this a wise assumption, or do you believe this is an unnecessary assumption? I would appreciate the thoughts and opinions from those who are qualified to give educated and professional insight into this matter."

2 years ago

I enjoyed the breakdown of the usages, acceptability and correctness in usage of either option. I'm gathering that until 'moreso' becomes a more common and accepted version of 'more so' that it's best to use 'more so' in the professional capacity. Is this a wise assumption, or do you believe this is an unnecessary assumption? I would appreciate the thoughts and opinions from those who are qualified to give educated and professional insight into this matter. 

2 years ago


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Identify the sentence with correct use of the passive voice:
A He will finish the project by tomorrow.
B The teacher gave us a challenging assignment.
C We are watching a movie tonight.
D The cake was baked by my sister.