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  Junior Editor

I have recently started writing. I love writing descriptive paragraphs.

  January 2023     1 year ago

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Women’s access to these rights is vital to democracy and benefits humanity at large and leads to a fairer world.

2 years ago

I am currently editing a text book for English as a second language students. I am stuck on this sentence, which all the other editors say is right, but doesn't work for me.
"Why does the author write this?"
Surely it should be:
'Why did the author write this?'

2 years ago

I am editing a book for English as a second language students. I have just come across this sentence:
What does the writer say in his book?
Surely this should be:
What did the writer say in his book?
Help please. 

2 years ago


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Which sentence contains a grammatical error?
A She done good on the exam.
B She did goodly on the exam.
C She did well on the exam.
D She did good on the exam.