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  July 2022     2 years ago

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-ivize would mean 'to turn something into'. Hence legalize means turn something legal. Idolize means make something into an idol. Hospitalize means turn something into a hospital; hence, you can hospitalize an abandoned retirement home; and, to hospitalize a person sounds awfully painful, and a little small when you're done. Incentivize means to turn something into an incentive; hence, you can incentivize a retirement plan or personal leave days. But, to incentivize a person would be illegal in most countries with pesky trafficking laws. Therefore, to incent--or possibly even incite--someone would be correct, and may even be legal depending on what you want them to do. 

2 years ago


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Identify the sentence with correct use of the preposition:
A The book is on the shelf.
B They are waiting in the outside.
C She is at her office.
D He is from the France.