Apzohvn's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by apzohvn  — There are currently 1 comment total.

I appreciate this discussion as I have said to many people, many times, for many years, that things are not done 'on' accident, rather, 'by' accident. So I would pose this question: Do you do things on mistake? LOL! No I do not think so. I'm sure you would say I do things 'by' mistake. Are not accidents and mistakes essentially synonymous? [Unpurposefully done] Therefore, they can only be said one way they are done "by"....  

1 year ago


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Identify the sentence with correct use of the preposition 'on':
A The keys are on the kitchen counter.
B The cat is sleeping on the sofa.
C She sat on the desk during the lecture.
D He lives on the fifth floor.