Jknsla1982's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by Jknsla1982  — There are currently 1 comment total.

"It is me/I" is slightly more complicated, as there's no action to be acted upon or received. Thus, it's more an issue of formality and conventions - "It is I" alone, while still grammatically correct, is generally perceived as overly formal, pompous, old-fashioned, or dramatic. Thus, it is rarely used in modern contexts. Indeed, its arguably most common use is in older texts, such as Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen and the Bible. However, while the phrase alone may not be used, it can rarely be combined into other sentences (i.e. It is I who should apologize to you). "It's me" is the informal and far, far more common version, and thus the one used in everyday speech. 

1 year ago


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Identify the sentence with correct use of the gerund as the object of the preposition:
A He is not capable to understanding the situation.
B I am interested in learning new things.
C They are good at to play the piano.
D She avoids to speak in public.