Mikael's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by Mikael  — There are currently 1 comment total.

X differs «verb» from Y, but X can be «or is» different to Y
«which in old times was a present participle, if I am not mistaken, it would be similar to the contrary concept of the substantivised, liken, or like or alike» or be different than Y... It just follows that logically you can compare different things or beings as everything is different, otherwise they wouldn't be two different things or beings «by the Principle of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, exempli gratia, the contrary of the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles is valid, at the very least, to empirical events or phenomena». 

3 years ago


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Identify the sentence with correct use of the gerund:
A They like to skiing in the winter.
B Running in the park is good exercise.
C She is good at playing the piano.
D I enjoy to swim in the ocean.