GoatGuy's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by GoatGuy  — There are currently 1 comment total.

Then there is green-light and green-lighted versus green-lit. With-or-without the hyphens! Substantial evidence points to the -lit form gaining popularity especially in the narrative of the present journalists' trade.

But what about gas-light / gas-lighted and the wrong-sounding gas-lit?

But back-light and back-lit sound just fine, as does back-lighted.

And candlelit is the only for I'd naturally use.

Highlight, highlighted ... and never highlit

Lamplight, lamplit. And basically never lamplighted.

Moonlit. If having to do with light. But moonlighted is not just acceptable, but maybe the only reasonable form of 'to work outside of one's nominal job.'

Red-lighted ... lit? I don't think so, contrary to the green- version.

Definitely spotlighted instead of spotlit, even tho' the spellcheckers think the 2nd form is ok.

Here's a thinker: unlit versus unlighted. They both seem to be on an even weighting to me, as in teeter-totter probabilities. An unlit campfire. An unlighted cigarette, evidence of a crime. Hmmm....

Just saying, GoatGuy

3 years ago


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