Mryba1988's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by mryba1988  — There are currently 1 comment total.
This article given no logical explanation for why "on accident" shouldn't work. What is the structural difference between it and "on purpose"? I don't see one. Simply claiming that it's different because it's different is no explanation at all.

English prepositions are weird. Why "on a bus"? We ride in a bus, not on it. Using "on" to relate an action to an accident makes no less sense than using "by" or "though". If you're going to write an article chastising people for using the wrong preposition, offer something more substantial as a reason than "because I said so."

3 years ago


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A She had finished her book last week.
B They are going to the concert tonight.
C She has been gardening all morning.
D We will have completed the project by Monday.