GrammarNaziMike's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by GrammarNaziMike  — There are currently 1 comment total.
Wow, Angbeen, your explanation of the meanings and uses of "enquire" and "inquire" is riddled with errors; typographical, grammatical and just plain FACTUAL.
One example (of many): Inquire is NOT a transitive verb. You don't "inquire" someone... you inquire ABOUT them... or OF them.
Also, (again, one of many instances) have a look at your second sentence. You meant "instead of an a", not "except".
You need to either return to English grammar classes or hire an editor!

4 years ago


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Identify the sentence with correct use of the gerund as the object of the preposition:
A I am interested in learning new things.
B He is not capable to understanding the situation.
C She avoids to speak in public.
D They are good at to play the piano.