Cecilia_e's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by cecilia_e  — There are currently 1 comment total.

How are you Anupan?
I've been struggling with indirect wh-interrogatives of subject function.
How would you explain these examples?
1. He doesn't remember [who the woman who kissed him was.]
2. She has no idea [who that man is.]
How are these two different from:
3. They don't know who rang the bell.
4. I forgot who gave me this.
I've found out that subject questions (direct interrogatives) don't use any auxiliaries like 3 and 4, but I can't seem to know the difference between these and 1 and 2. Are 1 and 2 object questions?
Thanks so much in advance.

4 years ago


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Identify the sentence with correct use of the gerund:
A She is good at playing the piano.
B They like to skiing in the winter.
C Running in the park is good exercise.
D I enjoy to swim in the ocean.