Found 1,053 articles matching: grammarly+word+count+checker Page #7
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Mold vs. Mould British and American English have different rules when it comes to spelling the words. Americans omit the U that appears in some British words as a second vowel directly before a consonant. Therefore… |
get, got, “got milk?” The word “get” means “to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of.” It also means “to cause to be in one’s possession or succeed in having available for one’s use or enjoyment; obtain… |
4. What Are the Comparative and Superlative Forms? Recall in the section on adjectives that we can show various degrees of the descriptive qualities of adjectives: hot plate (positive) hotter plate (comparative) |
Felicitate vs Facilitate Felicitate To felicitate someone means to congratulate someone, give them respect. The word originated from the Latin word ‘felix’ meaning happy which was translate to late Latin ‘felicitare’ meaning… |
Macro vs. Micro English language can be altered in various ways and one of those ways is prefixing. Prefixing refers to different units relating to several sizes. Micro and macro are both very similar words where th… |
Enrol vs. Enroll Enrol vs. EnrollThere are many spelling differences between American and British English. One involves the doubling of consonants before suffixing. The British are much more likely to do so than thei… |
Enclosed vs. Inclosed What "enclosed" means probably anybody knows. If not, we'll explain it immediately below. There's nothing difficult about it. What is, anyway, questionable and often confusing, is the correct spellin… |
Then vs. Than The policeman’s strategy was better than the burglar’s so he waited for him to make a move first and then arrested him. Did you notice than and then in the above sentence? Do you sometimes get confus… |
Bus vs. Buss Bus vs. Buss "Bus" is one of the first English words people learn, in the "means of transport" chapter, from their first contact with this language. But what about "buss"? Does it mean the same th… |
Envision vs. Invision You certainly know what "envision" means, it's not the definition of the word that creates confusions and doubts here, but the spelling. And that's what we're about to discuss in this article. Are bo… |
Allure vs. Allude vs. Elude Allude Pronounce the ‘a’ allude in the same way as you would pronounce a in assume. The rest of the letters are pronounced as leew-d. So, allude is pronounced as a-leewd. The word comes from the lati… |
Chapter 8 - “Affect” vs. “Effect” “Bad habits will effect your writing.” There are huge differences between the words affect and effect. Good writers know these differences and use the words correctly. Now you can… |
Chapter 10 - “Lead” vs. “Led” “Yesterday, they lead us astray.” Here’s a quickie. Read on to learn that led is the correct word. Lead vs. Led: An Overview<… |
Introducing Quotations with the “Like” Word I'm like ... Usually, people use tobelike to introduce quoted sources. In that form, it doesn’t harm the language too much or totally prevent thought from taking place. We can hea… |
“Like” - A Ubiquitous Word It’s like everywhere … Sadly, the verb tobelike and other variations of the like word do more than introduce quotations. They pervade young people’s speech. They threaten the lang… |
The Word “Like” Serves as 7 Parts of Speech A Grammatical Analysis for Children The word like serves as seven of the parts of speech. The only function it doesn’t serve? It isn’t a pronoun. But it does cover the other seve… |
Essence vs. Essential Essence Essence is a noun that refers to the quality of something that determines its uniqueness or character, or a gist of something. For example, • The esse… |
Online vs. On-Line Some words evolve – or change – over time. So what should you do when you have to choose between two words, meaning the same thing, written similarly, but different because they come from different t… |
Comparative and Superlative forms of Adjectives and Adverbs The English language uses adjectives and adverbs in a sentence to describe the quality of a noun or a verb. In other words, some words that add meaning to the noun or verb of a sentence are called ad… |
Interjections Oh wow! You landed on this page! You must be looking for interjections.Among many other parts of speeches, interjection is also one of the commonly used English grammar term that we use in our everyd… |
6 American Football Expressions Many expressions from American football have made their way into our everyday speech and we use football expressions without even realizing that we are echoing the language of the football stadium. |
May vs. May May vs. MayJust before we get started, it's important to clarify that there’s no rule that the word ”may” must never be written with capital letters. In other words, writing ”may” with a capital lett… |
adjective An adjective is a word or group of words that modifies or describes a noun (a little girl) or a pronoun (he is strange). Single-word adjectives usually come before the word they modify (the red wagon… |
connote - vocabulary connote - verb To suggest or signify something in addition to the primary meaning, as in A hot cup of tea connotes hospitality and comfort. With so many mass-market goods made off-shore, American-mad… |
Figure of Speech Figures of Words are called Tropes, and consist in a word's being employed to signify something that is different from its original meaning; so that by altering the word, we destroy the figure. Wh… |