Found 1,236 articles matching: six verb tense Page #6
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transitive verb - vocabulary noun Note: The transitive verb is a good thing to know. Because many experienced writers usually know its ins and outs, I’ve included a brief discussion here. Here’s an excerpt… |
compel - correct spelling compel verb The past tense and past participle are spelled compelled. Example: This disclosure will compel the CEO to call a meeting of the shareholders. |
Chapter 13 - The “Like” Word “Like, I’mlike gonna learn how to like talk.” If you have a “like” habit, the time has come: Break it. Many people cannot make it through a single sentence without scores of “I’m … |
Won’t vs. Wouldn’t Won’tWon’t is a modal verb. It is the short form (contraction) for ‘will not’. It is the negative of the word ‘will’. It is used to talk about future tense. It is always used with an apostrophe (‘).E… |
Groups of Words Acting as Nouns I realize that you are glued to this website, riveted by the compelling material and scintillating presentation. But just in case your attention is wandering a bit, LET ME SHOUT AT YOU AND WAKE YOU U… |
Present perfect tense First let’s understand the syntax – Use has/have and 3rd form of verb to form present perfect sentence. For example – We have seen this movie. (see(1) saw(2) seen(3)) She has cleaned her room. (cle… |
Course vs. Coarse Consider the sentence written below:The weaving course he took did not demonstrate on how to stitch coarse weave.A little confusing, isn’t it? Course and coarse are both used in the sentence but are … |
Fawn vs. Faun Homophones, literally "same sound" are usually defined as words that share the same pronunciation, regardless of how they are spelled. The similarity in the sounds of the homophones gives rise to an … |
primary auxiliary verb We have roughly 16 auxiliary verbs in the English language. Three are called primary auxiliaries: to be, to have, and to do. These three words perform special functions. The verb to be forms the p… |
Verb Function 2 - Infinitive Phrase - "To" Phrase Remember the definition of the infinitive form of a verb: the word you would ordinarily look up in the dictionary. Its bare form is just the word by itself: write. Its periphrastic form consists of t… |
If I Was vs. If I Were Was vs Were As simple as that, in past tense, was is used for singular noun/pronoun and were for plural. For example, I was going to the market and we were going to the market. If I was This… |
seen, scene Seen is the past participle of see. Note that it is not the simple past tense of see. I saw is often replaced by <… |
shone, shown Shone is both the past tense and the past participle of shine, which means “emit light.” (Shine, of course, has many noun meanings as well, as in shoeshine… |
forgo, forego Forgo means “to abstain from” or “to relinquish something.” Forego means “to go before.” (Note the prefix fore-, as in before). Writers often confuse the two, … |
cabal - vocabulary cabal - verb To hatch a scheme, to plot. noun A small group of plotters who hatch a scheme against the government or persons in authority. The word also refers to the scheme it… |
deferred - correct spelling deferred verb (past tense and past participle of the verb defer) and adjective Example: We deferred to him because of his experience in the business. verb Example: |
present participle All main verbs have a present-participial form. Just add ‑ing and you've got a present participle. Sometimes you have to drop a silent ‑e as in writing. And sometimes you double an ending consonant, … |
Labelled vs. Labeled Labelled vs. Labeled Rules of past simple tense formation of regular verbs are quite simple and easy to remember, from adding the suffix "-ed" to applying some few exceptions in several cases. Eve… |
modal auxiliary verb We have ten modal auxiliary verbs: can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would. We use them to express the mood of the verb, which, most often, is the indicative mood (expr… |
bored - correct spelling bored adjective and verb (past tense and past participle of the verb bore) Example: She is bored with life. adjective Example: The speaker bored us to tears. v… |
Passive voice and why we need it Here are some more practical examples of passive voice usage - 1. The cameras are watching you – it doesn't make much sense to say this. Instead, “You are being watched”… |
Indicative Mood English language consists of various moods and forms. The grammatical moods in a language are very important to understand the tone and correct meaning of a sentence. One such mood is indicative mood… |
Split Infinitives Perhaps no “rule” of grammar sparks more controversy than the “rule” against splitting infinitives. Leading experts on the English language, however, point out that the split infinitive appeared in t… |
Taut vs. Taunt People make a lot of mistakes while speaking or writing English. Sometimes they are spelling mistakes, sometimes mistakes of homophones and sometimes a wrong word is used instead of the right word if… |
Forty vs. Fourty Forty vs. Fourty Derivation is one of the four means of word formation and probably the most important, using suffixes and prefixes to create new words. But at the same time, derivation can also b… |