Found 1,236 articles matching: six verb tense Page #47
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Commas and Independent Clauses Comma Before the and When the conjunction joins two or more independent clauses, put a comma before the conjunction: The supervisor reported the misbehavior, but … |
Adverbial Phrases Between Subject and Verb Put preceding and trailing commas around any adverbial phrase coming between the subject and the verb: Ms. Smith, after commenting on the evidence, ruled in favor of… |
Parenthetical Pauses If the information in a parenthetical pause relates closely to the sentence, enclose it in commas. Otherwise, use the dash or parentheses: The committee's decision, to say the |
Complementary or Antithetical Expressions Defined A complementary or antithetical expression requires a comma at its beginning and end. Perhaps I should define complementary or antithetical expressions. These are usually … |
adjectival clause First, a clause is a group of words with a conjugated verb in it. Second, an adjectival clause is a clause that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Note these adjectival clauses: on the street w… |
adjectival phrase First, a phrase is any multiword group without a conjugated verb. Second, an adjectival phrase is a phrase that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Usually, an adjectival phrase consists of an a… |
compound predicate A compound predicate is simply two or more main verbs attached to a single subject of the sentence. Please note: When you join just two verbs, no comma should come before the and. Only when you join … |
imperative mood The mood of verbs shows how the speaker regards the utterance. The speaker might regard the utterance as a statement: that's the indicative mood. The speaker might ask a question: that's the interrog… |
imperative mood The mood of verbs shows how the speaker regards the utterance. The speaker might regard the utterance as a statement: that's the indicative mood. The speaker might ask a question: that's the interrog… |
mood First, understand this: The word mood has nothing to do with frame of mind, as in happy or sad. It actually refers to mode, which is the attribute of a verb suggesting the speaker's attitude toward t… |
parts of speech We have eight parts of speech in the English language: (1) nouns, (2) verbs, (3) adjectives, (4) adverbs, (5) pronouns, (6) conjunctions, (7) prepositions, and (8) interjections. Every word you use i… |
phrase A phrase is a multiword group having no conjugated verb in it. We have various kinds of phrases, which perform all sorts of functions in the language. Basically, the phrases can serve as nouns, adjec… |
alot, a lot, allot The word lot is a one-word noun. When you precede it with the article a, you write the expression as two words: a lot. You wouldn’t refer to a tree … |
coupled with, as well as, along with, together with, not to mention Expressions such as coupled with, as well as, along with, together with, not to mention, and others do not act as … |
demure, demur Demure is an adjective used to describe someone who is reserved, modest, or shy. Demur is a verb that means “to delay” or “to object.” Lawyers will use de… |
ensure, insure, assure Most writers use these words interchangeably. But there are some differences. For example, assure is used only in reference to people. You assure your boss. If yo… |
advice - correct spelling advice noun Not advise (which is a verb).’s section on Problem Words discusses adviceand advise. Click here for that discussion. Example: You mu… |
almost - correct spelling almost adverb Example: He has read almost every novel by John Grisham. adverb (modifying the adjective every) Example: He almost hit the pedestrian. adverb (mo… |
already - correct spelling already adverb Note: The two-word expression all ready means “entirely ready” or “prepared.” The one-word expression already means “previously” or “so soon.” Though indistinguisha… |
breath - correct spelling breath noun Note: The verb form is breathe.’s section on Problem Words discusses breath and breathe. Click here for that discussion. … |
once - correct spelling once - adverb, adjective, subordinating conjunction, and noun Example: The once powerful nation now had no influence. adverb (modifying the adjective nation) Exa… |
Egg on Your Face This Grammar eBook explores the most prevalent grammatical mistakes people make. Each mistake is thoroughly discussed and illustrated with examples in the media and on the Internet. Here's… |
Favorite vs. Favourite While reading or writing, do you ever pause upon favorite and wonder what the correct spellings of it are? His favorite restaurant is that small place in the suburbs. Or should it be like: His favour… |
Fulfil vs. Fulfill Say you were asked to make a sentence with expectation and you wrote this: Getting an A on the test did not fulfil her expectations While proofreading it, did you pause at fulfil and wondered if thes… |
Neighbor vs. Neighbour New neighbors just moved in the big white house. Consider this sentence for a moment. Does the word neighbors make you think again that maybe the spellings of neighbor aren’t really like these? Maybe… |