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apt, likely, liable
Writers often use apt, likely, and liable interchangeably in constructions, especially with infinitives: Fred is likely to win the …
counsel, council
Lawyers are most familiar with the word counsel, meaning “advice” or “guidance.” Also, a lawyer is often referred to as a counsel. A corporation, for example, has a …
formerly, formally
Formerly means “at an earlier time.”
Formally means “proper“ or “with official authorization.”
Example: Having formerly run t…
sanguine, sanguinary
Sanguine might be one of the most misused words in the English language, and that is partly because it has two meanings that seem almost the opposite of each other.
Lead vs. Led
Lead” and “led” vary through only one letter, when it comes to their spellings. This makes them sound very similarly and encourages some English users to believe that they can replace them without an…
choose - correct spelling
Not chose.
Note: The verb to choose uses choose in various tenses, e.g., She will choose first. The past tense is chose.’s section on Problem Word…
chose - correct spelling
verb (past tense of the verb choose; chosen is the past participle)
Not choose.’s section on Problem Words discusses the words choose and chose. Click here for that discuss…
dilemma - correct spelling
dilemma noun
Example: She found herself on the horns of a dilemma.*
* “The original dilemma in rhetoric was a device by which you presented your opponent with two alternatives;…
former - correct spelling
former adjective
Example: The former mayor then decided to run for Congress.
gauge - correct spelling
gauge noun and verb
Example: The gauge of the tracks permitted larger trains to run. noun
Example: His behavior is a good gauge of his character. noun
insurance - correct spelling
insurance - noun and adjective’s section on Problem Words discusses the verb forms insure, ensure, and assure. Click here for that discussion.
Example: His l…
emaciate - vocabulary
To waste away in flesh, to make abnormally lean. Often used as a verbal adjective, as in After his diet, he looked emaciated. It never entered his head to analyse the details of the sick man’…
gamut - vocabulary
The whole range, sequence, or scale, as in the gamut of emotion from joy to grief.
Note: Way too often you will hear people say runs the gambit. Careful. It’s run the gamu…
impute - vocabulary
To ascribe or attribute, as in She imputed special powers to the new software program. Kings are much to be pitied, who, misled by weak ministers, and deceived by wicked favo…
profligacy, profligate - vocabulary
Profligacy: the trait of spending lavishly or extravagantly; unrestrained indulgence in sensual pleasure.
Profligate: characterized by wild s…
Dairy vs. Diary
Simply inverting the order of two letters in a word can completely change its meaning. This is exactly the situation for "dairy" and "diary", which are two nouns spelled very similarly. This similari…
Illusion vs. Delusion
Illusion" and "delusion" are spelled quite similarly and also used in similar contexts. But can they replace one another and can they be called synonyms right away, or are there some significant diff…

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Select the sentence with correct punctuation:
A The cat sat on the mat.
B I can't believe it's already Friday.
C Sarahs car is parked outside.
D The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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