
Found 76 articles matching: estonian+punctuation+em+dash Page #2

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Exclamation Point Goes Outside
Sometimes the exclamation point goes outside the closing quotations marks. When 911 took the call, the operator said, "I'm on a break now"! (Exclamation point showing the writer's ex…
Improve Your Writing & Credibility as a Writer with Proper Grammar
Since we all age and forget the basic grammar rules we learn in grade school, I have provided a short guide on grammar for your review. Also, test yourself when you are giving birth to a masterpiece …
Exclamation Mark
Punctuation is the basic element of English grammar and without it a sentence is not only incomplete but also insensible. There are various marks of punctuation that are used in sentences to give the…
Difference Between Proofreading and Copyediting
No matter what type of writing you are working on, you will sooner or later face the need for proofreading and editing your piece since these are important stages of the entire writing process. There…
subjective case
No matter what type of writing you are working on, you will sooner or later face the need for proofreading and editing your piece since these are important stages of the entire writing process. There…
Egg on Your Face
This Grammar eBook explores the most prevalent grammatical mistakes people make. Each mistake is thoroughly discussed and illustrated with examples in the media and on the Internet.
Colons with Quotation Marks
Colon Comes Outside
The colon should be placed outside quotation marks. When matter ending with a colon is quoted, the colon is dropped: The employee has two obje…
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Chapter 1 - Period
The period shows the end of a complete sentence, the abbreviation of words, and indented lists. It also appears inside closing quotation marks.
How To Write An Amazing Blog Post
Picture a cheese sandwich — a truly terrible one. What does it look like? If you’re anything like me, you’re thinking of something like a single square of processed cheese (I see it curling and brown…
Haiku vs. Tanka
Poetry takes on many forms across the globe. Poems can rhyme, poems can flow without punctuation, poems can express or describe or inspire. 
In this article, I will discuss two forms of Japan…
Dates - Month-Day-Year
Comma After the Year
When you indicate month, day, and year, put a comma after the day and after the year (unless some other punctuation mark, like a period or question mark, foll…
Conclusion to the Section on Punctuation
We hope you have enjoyed, and profited from, this discussion on the rules of punctuation. If you have, we hope you’ll tell your friends about
We hope you’ll use our eBooks and Grammar…
Chapter 7 - Brackets
Brackets are used to enclose editorial interpolations, corrections, explanations, or comments in quoted material.
Resist t…
Parentheses and Other Punctuation
Drop Other Punctuation
Before the closing parenthesis, drop almost all punctuation, such as commas, semicolons, and colons.
Retain a period inside t…
Numbers in Lists Within Text
Use parentheses to enclose numerals or letters marking divisions or enumerations within the text of your writing. Remember, in indented and vertical lists, the period sets off the number or letter: H…
Showing Abbreviation
A Sentence Ending with an Abbreviation
The period shows abbreviations such as Co., Ave., Corp., Bldg., and a host of others. If a sentence ends in an abbreviated word, the single …
Ranges of Numbers
You may use the hyphen (or the en dash) to show a range of numbers: These statistics appear on pages 54-56.  
Previous: Chapter 10 - Hyphen
Next: Prefix Words
Chapter 2 - Comma
The comma shows the smallest interruption of the structure of a sentence—the parenthesis and dash showing more severe breaks in continuity. A few rules, discussed bel…
Career vs. Carrier
Carrier Carrier is pronounced as “kae-ri-year.” The ‘kae’ sound is same as ‘ca’ sound in cat or the ‘ca’ sound in carrot. It is a noun that can refer to something or someone that carries or conveys o…
Parenthetical Pauses
If the information in a parenthetical pause relates closely to the sentence, enclose it in commas. Otherwise, use the dash or parentheses: The committee's decision, to say the
Rules on Direct Quotation
Many writers violate rules governing the use of quotation marks. They mix up the rules on which of the other punctuation marks go inside or outside the ending quotation marks. You'll find independent…
Chapter 10 - Hyphen
The hyphen is one of the most underused, one of the most incorrectly used, and one of the most important punctuation marks in writing.
It plays a role in showing r…
Chapter 9 - Exclamation Point
Use the exclamation point to shout. And don't shout much at all in expository writing. Let your prose show your emphasis: The Supreme Court flatly ruled against
Question Marks with Quotation Marks
Where Do Questions Marks Go?
Put the question mark inside ending quotation marks if the question belongs to the quoted source. Put it outside if the question belongs to the writer…

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Are you a grammar master?

Choose the sentence with correct use of the indefinite pronoun:
A Each of the students are presenting their project.
B Few has completed the assignment on time.
C Someone forgot his jacket.
D Everybody is invited to the party.

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