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Conditional verbs
1.   Zero conditional     When your action gives a 100% result.
If you want a receipt, press this button. If you heat ice, it melts. If you want to leave a message, speak…
Common Dissertation Writing Mistakes to Avoid
Your dissertation sure is important! It can make or break your time at university. The thing is, as you’ve never written anything this long before, writing a text like this can be quite overwhelming …
Quit Procrastinating And Write Your Thesis
The truth is, most of us procrastinate because we feel overwhelmed by the task. But think about it. If you've made it through most or all of your graduate work, you have no doubt run into people with…
Phrasal verbs with back
1. Back up Back up someone – to give support to someone. Examples – ·         We had to back her up till her room as she was very tired. ·   …
Discover the 6 Surefire Benefits of Leveraging PDF for Your Business!

Benefit #1 – Promote Greater Accessibility PDF is an open standard that means any entity can open, use, read, and manipulate PDF files on different devices and operating systems with freely do…
Hypothesis vs. Prediction
In our daily life, we are constantly using hypotheses and predictions to make logical, factual decisions. 
Although both Hypotheses and Predictions are types of guesses, in what ways are they…
Factual or Opinionated Style of Writing

When we talk about the style of writing, we may be confused about what it really is or what a person is actually referring to when saying style of writing?Style of writing or writing style is an …
Noun Function 8 - Noun Modifiers
Nouns often modify other nouns, as in noun modifier or sentence structure. We have thousands of terms where a first noun modifies an ensuing noun: hotdog bun football
formerly, formally
Formerly means “at an earlier time.”
Formally means “proper“ or “with official authorization.”
Example: Having formerly run t…
Finite Verb - Tense, Person, Number, Mood
A finite verb is just that: finite. It’s finite in time, as in present, past, future, and other time dimensions.
Tense, What Is It?
When we talk about time in relation to verbs…
Past Tense vs. Past Participle
Past Tense vs. Past Participle
Some people confuse the past tense with the past participle. Usually, they will use the past participle instead of the correct past tense. You will …
Verb Conjugation
Verb Conjugation in English
Every verb in the English language has two states or dimensions—two realms, if you will. In the infinitive state, the verb reveals only the activity de…
Adverbs - More Words That Describe
We’ve learned about verbs. Now let’s study those words or groups of words that describe or modify verbs. We call them adverbs. Sometimes they end in ‑ly, and sometimes they don’t.
Just as adjectiv…
Synchronous vs. Asynchronous
The terms 'synchronous' and 'asynchronous' are two concepts that are often used in various fields, including computer science, telecommunications, education, and communication. Despite their contrast…
Cognitive Dissonance vs Cognitive Consonance
Cognitive Dissonance and Cognitive Consonance are the opposite of each other, but they certainly live side by side: if you pay attention to your mental state, you might discover that you are feeling …
A contraction shows the coming together of two or more words with intervening sounds (in speech) omitted or with intervening letters (in writing) omitted. Typically, the contraction brings together a…
Fast vs. Fat
Moving in a hurry or quick.To give up eating food for a time.Fast colors or dyes don't run or fade when you wash them.Ahead of the right time.
Heavy or plump.An oily substance found in the body ti…
profligacy, profligate - vocabulary
Profligacy: the trait of spending lavishly or extravagantly; unrestrained indulgence in sensual pleasure.
Profligate: characterized by wild s…
sanguine, sanguinary
Sanguine might be one of the most misused words in the English language, and that is partly because it has two meanings that seem almost the opposite of each other.
set, sit
Generally, sit is something you do yourself, while set is something you do to something else.
The verb sit is intransitive, another of those “bod…
choose - correct spelling
Not chose.
Note: The verb to choose uses choose in various tenses, e.g., She will choose first. The past tense is chose.’s section on Problem Word…
chose - correct spelling
verb (past tense of the verb choose; chosen is the past participle)
Not choose.’s section on Problem Words discusses the words choose and chose. Click here for that discuss…
dilemma - correct spelling
dilemma noun
Example: She found herself on the horns of a dilemma.*
* “The original dilemma in rhetoric was a device by which you presented your opponent with two alternatives;…
How To Write An Amazing Blog Post
Picture a cheese sandwich — a truly terrible one. What does it look like? If you’re anything like me, you’re thinking of something like a single square of processed cheese (I see it curling and brown…
Quiz vs. Test
Quiz vs. Test Both "quiz" and "test" refer to some kind of evaluation or assessment - whether it is in an academic context or not. We seem to see the word "quiz" used often on the internet, rather th…

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Choose the sentence with correct use of the past perfect tense:
A We had saw that movie three times.
B They had already finished their homework when the phone rang.
C She had went to the store before dinner.
D He had did his best, but it wasn't enough.

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